in GEMS4 years ago

Snap 2020-04-13 at 00.29.57.png

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She tucked him in with a blanket. The woman was protecting the newborn.

It was a difficult birth. The child was in a bad position and the doctors had to accommodate it, so that the woman could give birth.

She was the mother of five other children and her wish was to give birth as she did with all the others.

It was the most intense pain: the baby moved quickly and strongly. She wanted to get out and the doctors worked hard so that she could do it.

In the corridor the father of the child was waiting impatiently. He was accompanied by his two older children. With nerves and emotion mixed up. A new member of the family was about to come out of his burrow.

The man looked quite wrinkled and his hair was gray. He devoted his whole life to teaching at his village school. Working tirelessly so that nothing was missing from the house. He was a member of the teachers' union and a member of a political party that was in power several times.


Arropandolo con la manta. La mujer protegía a su criatura recién nacida.

Fue un parto difícil. El niño estaba en una mala posición y los doctores tuvieron que acomodarlo, para qu ela mujer, pudira parir.

Era madre de otros 5 niños y sus deseos eran dar a luz como lo hizo con todos los demás.

Fueron los dolores mas intensos: El bebe se movia con rapidez y fuerza. Tenia ganas de salir y los médicos trabajaban arduamente para que pudiera lograrlo.

En el pasillo esperaba impaciente el padre del niño. Lo acompañaban sus dos hijos mayores. Nervios y emoción mezclados. Un nuevo miembro de la familia estaba por salir de su madriguera.

El hombre lucia bastantes arrugas y el cabello con canas. Dedico toda su vida a dar clases en la escuela de su caluroso pueblo. Trabajando incansablemente para que no faltara nada en la casa. Era miembro del sindicato de maestros y militabo en un partido político que ocupo el poder en varias ocasiones.


The children looked well fed. It was a humble family, with few economic resources, but they did not lack a morsel of food. They enjoyed the social benefits of being the children of school teachers.

The village had a dry climate. Its inhabitants were accustomed to its arid climate. The heat did not affect them. They thought it made them stronger.

But that night, a storm like few other storms in these lands came. Thunder, lightning and great drops of water fell heavily on this South American town.

The priest of the church started to pray. The torrential rain was of great magnitude. The man of faith did not know if God was angry or sad. It took the punishment of sinners or the crying of angels.

The child came out of the woman's sight, the woman's cry, and then the baby's cry, announced the birth. The doctors checked him and determined that he was completely healthy.

Wrapping him in a blanket, the woman protected her newborn child, caressed a small mole on his forehead and said: Your name is Hugo.

Los niños estaban bien alimentados. Era una familia humilde, de pocos recursos económicos, pero un bocado de cominda no les faltaba. Disfrutaban de los beneficios sociales por ser hijos de maestros de escuela.

El pueblo era de clima seco. Sus habitantes estaban acostumbrados a su clima arido. El calor no les afectaba. Pensaban que los hacía más fuertes. Eran apasionados y de sangre caliente.

Pero esa noche, una tormenta como pocas veces ocurrían en esas tierras, se hizo presente. Truenos, relámpagos y grandes gotas de agua, caian con fuerza sobre ese pueblo de america del sur.

El cura de la iglesia s epuso a rezar. El torrencial aguacero era de gran magnitud. EL hombre de fe, no sabia si Dios estaba furioso o estaba triste. La tomernta pdoria ser un castigo para los pecadores o el llanto de los angeles ante la pedicion de la humanidad.

El niño salió del viente de la mujer,el grito de la mujer y luego el llanto del bebe, anunciaron el nacimiento. Los médicos lo revisaron y determinaron que estaba completamente sano.

Arropandolo con una manta, la mujer protegía a su criatura recién nacida, acaricio una pequeño lunar en su frente y le dijo: Te llamaras Hugo.


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