Can Someone Make A Hive Alternative To APPICS? HIVEGRAM?

in GEMS4 years ago

As a creator I loved the idea of APPICS. I was waiting for them to migrate to HIVE but for some good reasons and a handsome delegation from STINC (now owned by notorious JS) they decided to stay with STEEM. Sounds like a good deal to me!!! I would have done the same I were them or probably not. But it's their choice and I respect that. So now are we getting a replacement of it on HIVE ? Maybe HIVEGRAM ?? :P



There are a few reasons:

  • It was the first project that was talking about SMTs from the day one. At that point in time, I didn't even understand SMTs fully. I am not a technical person but I can see the functional value of creating your own tokens with little to no technical knowledge. This means anyone in the whole wide world can create tokens. For me, APPICS were the SMTs back then.
  • Their idea to be the next Instagram of the blockchain world is so amazing. There are millions of people uploading pictures on Instagram and other picture/short video related social media websites. Just imagine if there is a chance of earning tokens for every like/upvote, even small creators can earn something for their effort.
  • Their team. Apart from looking so badass, their team actually created a decent brand image for their project. I have seen their presentations and videos. Their logo, UI and the overall brand look top notch and of high quality. No other STEEM Project has barely even done that till date imo. Please note, I am just talking about their BRAND. Have a look at their website. It's so slick:
  • Apart from STEEM, they are quite active on Instagram, Telegram and other social media website.
  • Their marketing is spot on!!!! It seems like they have the resources to do it like PROs.

Why I Dislike APPICS

  • The major reason why I did not like the project is their APP. IT SUCKS! IT'S FEATURELESS! IT'S THE SAME SINCE THE STARTING. Honestly, I don't remember the time I first installed the app in my Android Phone. Since that moment, it's pretty much similar to the first draft with no substantial changes.
  • Their Project was launched way back in 2017. This is pure speculation because their STEEM account was created in June 2017 but that's not the point. The point is that they are still in the TESTING Phase. It's still in SOFTLAUNCH mode!!!! As I am a serial Instagram user, I don't see them getting anywhere near it in terms of functionality. I don't care about the number of users they have because even that is quite low as compared to conventional platforms.

You might have the best marketing but with a loose product like APPICS DAPP, you are not going anywhere. People will abuse the platform for their delegation but serious creators will realize that the App is not worth it unless they come up with something revolutionary. I could be totally wrong but as an end user, this is what I feel.

Instagram on HIVE

Well, that's a crap phrase to being with because I don't want another Instagram to be created on HIVE. But for the purpose of understanding, we need an Instagram like App on HIVE with unique features that stand out. I don't mind APPICS integrating HIVE too but then I don't trust their development at all. It has been so slow all this while and we need someone who can probably release an app with frequent updates. I will still use it just for the awesome team they have but a great product with shitty marketing will go a long way than a shitty product with great marketing. @appics is not shitty but their app is not that great. The fact that it's still not evolving the way it should is shitty! I hope that changes someday and they integrate HIVE as well.

I am damn sure, someone out there is already thinking about an alternative. ;) And I am waiting for that to happen. Once that happens, it will open another gateway of opportunities for creators out there. Please do not name it HIVEGRAM as mentioned in the Thumbnail. We all know what happened to the DAPPs and Projects who had STEEM in their names & they moved to HIVE. Most of them had to rebrand. So please consider that even HIVE is corruptible but that's a rare possibility. :P

Please let me know your thoughts below. What kind of features you would want to see on Hive's Instagram/Appics alternative?


Disclaimer: Personal opinion. Only for entertainment purpose! Not a financial advice.


@tipu curate

There are a lot of famous examples of people who have become a star over night. But many don't mention that these people or companies have many years of effort behind them before they became famous. Trees have to let roots grow before they can grow themselves.

In that case. If someone is working on an alternative, great. Competition is good for business. But that's only my opinion. 🙂

I agree. Being an entrepreneur also means to deploy tactical considerance towards a market segment. Appics has been very respectful and humble within the space. Having had a strategy, and taking up a very neutral position, we all must know for a fact that appics and its progression also relied on previous steemit inc. politics. I believe there can not be anything like appics, because the team and the ambassadors are awesome. In this space, a non-communal crappykilo app isn't the point of this paradigm. Considering all others and for what kinds of dapps block one is funnelling their funds to, appics is amongst a few truly global ones. When we talk about the large ethnic diversity, that's truly international and has more than just one language within their teams they aren't running everyone over with a tank. Being present and observant, I see them empathic in such a competitive space. It's an alternative to Americans releasing another centralised instagram or facebook on the blockchain and that isn't just a metaphor of some countries already considering to run their future DAO's on them already. I think it's a very strong message when a bunch of people don't want to be a Chinese blockchain, while there is an American is trying to beat the four to being the world's next operating system, starting out with the US economy? Kindly note that i'm earthling and citizen of many decentralised blockchains, that I believe will power the future of a global economy. Based in Switzerland I'd trust appics more with KYC's than just some blockchain version of the next google that wants to do monopolise all dapps segments. New kings that fume with war rage and play a monopoly game, will soon all realise the power of community with direct and indirect exchange. If they haven't yet seen it with BTC, they will also see it with the web 3.0. In this apex of blockchain history, we have also seen how lobbying can also be communal. The distribution of power does not have to be hierarchal. I was sceptical about DPOS and I think no one can accuse any dapp for reacting in their own interest in the midst of all this.

I think hive doesn't care about steem users. Steem never cared if instagram or youtube influencers didn't prevail in proof of brain. They left as fast as they came, because so many don't understand crypto and what happens here in terms of social media. -The plagiarists got flagged and left, - they went back to stealing memes and reposting them on instagram. I personally feel, that this is also a chance for the true pioneers and creatives to share their intellectual property as opposed to giving it to glamorous pop dolls that get all the fame for something they didn't even create. The best part about this is that some of my fellow nerds finally get some credit for their awesome work?

With all these politics and so many similar dapps in an open source space there are so many more aspects to consider. So many other projects want to be something they aren't yet or in the process of achieving. Sometimes one has to have trust in their good will. In this space to be it's to achieve true decentralisation.

I am not a dapp developer but a person that thinks, each at their own pace and good things take time. Why rush into on boarding a kilo of instasheeps?

I totally agree on the introduction. You have basically summarized everything that someone needs to know what APPICS is. Thank you so much for that. If something would be like this awesome platform looks and acts the same on the hive then definitely it might be branded as a copycat.

If that happens then wishing them the best of luck.

It would spark a competition and we should always make it a healthy one.

Since appics is really neutral I guess it doesn't matter whether you use gram or kilo app that shows up on your blockchain feed. I totally agree with you. Only recently can say with certainty that its always a community who are passionate about something that truly matters. Appics has come a way and they have a very smart strategy. To stay neutral in the midst of all this isn't easy. In my opinion it's a community of a crypto currency that does the marketing on a blockchain. Other than when a company is behind something that you can't rely on, because it doesn't want to funnel dev funds. Maybe it never suited their vested interest? The is a very nice take on all of this and I believe that tablet and mobile dapps should be considered more important. I actually don't mind still using steem for appics.

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