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RE: Thought and existentialism. The capacity to love
Las Fisica moderna, con sus enlaces cuanticos y cada vez más grande indeterminación que se encontra atrapada por la existencia o no de un observador, nos enseña que todo en el universo depende del fenomeno de la consciencia. El que pensamos, cómo tu dices, crea nuestra realidad, (se tuvirmos suerte, facilita nuestra felicidad). Todo és interno y incluso la libertad, por veces, é más facil encontrarla dentro de nosotros que en las circunstancias que encontramos alrededor. Somos los creadores ultimos de todas las realidades, incluso las ficcionales.
Él exito, decia un cliente mio, é solamente una consecuencia, jamás un objectivo.
What if there is no consciousness? What if there's no thinking?
I noticed that the more people started to "think" (take WOKE for example) the more unhappy they became. Is it always necessary to have discussion about A, B, C and the rest of the alphabet, is it important to know who we are, why, what, when, and how? Or can we just be and see how thing evolves like animals? There's nothing wrong with that and if you ask me there's more freedom if you live that way instead of always the deep thinking about how to create a world where happiness reigns.
The matter of the existence of consciousness has been a philosophers fight of the ages, and to just be, the struggle of budist monks for the past thousands of years... We must exist in the center, neither too self conscious, neither too little. Else, life will become totally unbearable. Of course we will have times to roam into deep introspection as well as into selfless abandonment, but I feel that even the negation of consciosness serves as it's own affirmation. It's a circular debate.
At least, that's what I think.