Splinterlands - Weekly Battle Challenge with Serpentine Spy

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello battlers,



As we are about to approach a new week, I would like to close out the Weekly Challenge proposed by team Splinterlands and this week's challenge as we all know, is with Fire Splinter monster Serpentine Spy.

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OK then, let's get into the details of Serpentine Spy before we actually go to the battle.


Serpentine Spy is one of the low health Fire Splinter monster and the main characteristics of this monster is to work in an Opportunist way.

It's a Common monster of Untamed Edition and one of the less used at lower level because of it's health of just One.

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Well, it may be having health of One, but the impact of it, if it can survive from other Opportunity monsters, will be huge if positioned properly.

Let's see it's characteristics in detail.


If you see the Health part, it can go upto a maximum of 3 and first 2 levels just have single health with third to fifth having 2 health.

So, we need to use it wisely and I feel it's great to have this an Equalizer type battle where in, all the monsters will have health of monster with highest health from both players.

It's Melee attack is good enough for a 3 Mana costing monster and usage with fire splinter means, we can have that extra melee attack that makes it more dangerous until it survives.

Melee Attack start with 2 and increases to 3 in Fifth level and a maximum of 4 in Eighth level.

When it comes to Speed, it's among some of the best with starting speed of 3 which increases to 4 from second level itself and 5 from Fourth level and eventually ends with 6 from level Seven onwards.

Just imagine if we use it along with a monster or 2 who have Swiftness*, it will be among the first few to attack.

When it comes to the abilities this monster posses, it has 2 abilities.

One is available from level one itself and the other only available in the maximum level.

Opportunity ability is the most sought after ability nowadays I guess and this monster has this ability from level 1, which makes it a hot cake.

Poison ability makes it even more dangerous, but hold on, this ability is available in Tenth level only.

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OK, we have seen enough information about this monster. Now let's move onto the battle part.




As you can see, I had the privilege of battling with 38 Mana cap with Reverse Speed enabled and also the Heavy Hitters, which means, a stunned monster will get double the blow of a normal attack whether it's melee or ranged or magic.

My Lineup:


I positioned the Goblin Mech as front monster for it's armors and heavy melee attack of 5.


Next in was the Giant Roc for it's Reach ability and also the Flying ability besides it's melee attack of 2.


Ettin Spearman was third in the lineup for it's ranged attack of 4 and also to take on the attack of sniper ranged monsters as it has a health of 8.


Used Serpentine Spy in fourth position because I didn't want it to get exposed early and also not in fifth or sixth position simply because it's health of One is vulnerable if any sneak monster attacks.


Kobold Miner was best suited for it's sneak attack with low mana coast of 2 and not so bad health of 4.


And, last on the lineup was Cyclops for it's Dodging ability besides it's 2 ranged attack.

That completes my lineup for this battle.

Opponent used Death Splinter and his monsters were, Haunted Spirit, Phantom Soldier, Boogeyman, Fallen Specter, Spirit Miner and Octopider, one of the formidable lineups.

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Round 1:

Fire against Death means no changes in melee attack unless we have some Inspire monsters.

First Round saw end of opponent's front monster Haunted Spirit as it was against heavy attackers like Goblin Mech and Octopider.

By the end of round 1, Goblin Mech, my front monster was reeling at just One health.


Round 2:

Round 2 saw end of 2 monsters from each side.

Opponent lost Phantom Soldier and Fallen Specter while I lost Goblin Mech and Giant Roc which exposed Ettin Spearman and his ranged attack of 4 was over.


Round 3:

This was a decisive round with opponent losing Boogeyman and Octopider leaving only Spirit Miner in the battle.

This almost signaled victory for me in next round.


Round 4:

Combined attack from Serpentine Spy, Kobold Miner, Cyclops was toomuch to handle for Spirit Miner


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Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes, I think it worked nicely except that, I could have another melee or magic attack monster at third position to avoid Ettin Spearman getting exposed and retain it's 4 ranged attack.

Do you use the SERPENTINE SPY often? Why or why not?

Well, not very much so far, but I have explored on this monster and I should be using this based on my experience of using this monster.

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That's all I could write today guys, it's on high mana low rounds kind of battles and I am happy to emerge as winner with usage of Serpentine Spy.
Hope you guys are being safe wherever you are and thanks for reading this blog.

Please share your comments.

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Great post!
It's crazy to see you with so few upvotes!
It's just how it starts out.
Keep 'em coming!

Thank you!!!!

It's crazy to see you with so few upvotes!
Yeah, that is how it is right now for me, but my account is not that old here, so, I gotta make many friends and they need to trust me before I get their support.

No matter, who is there or not, I enjoy writing about the weekly challenges and I always appreciate @splinterlands team support including you, clove and others.

Have a good day @carrieallen :)

Just wanted to clarify, is it like 2 blogs allowed for each chain per week? In the sense, 2 for Weekly curation and 2 for Weekly Share your battle, like that?

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