What Are The Things, (Your Roots) That You Draw your Strength And Security From In Life?

in GEMS4 years ago

Recognizing my roots and coming to terms with them has been one of the central topics of my life lately. At a point in my existence I begin to feel that if I wanted to be truly free, I had to break away from everything that had shaped me until this day. I ran from everyone, tossed out my phone, went traveling hoping to never come back.

So, here are some things that keep me rooted in the 3D world:

Growing food and foraging


Since I was a little boy I've known the pleasures of living close to the land. My grandparents all grew fruits and vegetables in their garden, and while people in the cities are just beginning to realize the benefits of this lifestyle, I carry it's blessings in my blood. Perhaps because of this I don't attach myself extremely to money... I know that whatever happens, if your relationship with the soil is good everything will be alright, at least in the material plane.


Having spent time observing Nature, I've become very fond of those plants that are not grown by humans, even despised by most of us. They are strong plants that manage to thrive in adversity and remind me constantly of the importance of resilience. Not only do they shine for their strength, but many times they are medicine and food with high-quality nutrients that grow in abundance without the need of human hands.


Sweet fruits remind me that we are not here only to fight, struggle, and find our way through a harsh reality. We are also here to enjoy, to be kind, generous, and caring. I consider people who are able to stay with a warm soul despite the circumstances to be the strongest of us all. Here, in this cold part of the world, these yellow raspberries keep my mouth and soul a bit sweeter.


These strawberries are from my mother's greenhouse. As I said before, some time ago I parted from my house and became unreachable, even to my mother. We spent much time without talking and I wouldn't allow her to know much about where I was or what I was doing. Last year I came back and we have been healing our relationship little by little. She is a very rooted woman, who looks into the past with wonder. These strawberries remind her of the beauties of childhood, of my grandfather's greenhouse, and it's her way of taking us there when she brings some of them into the house.


The variety of plants you can grow, the fact you can take responsibility for what you eat, where it comes from, and who else is affected in this process really changes my perception on Life. I'm not saying its better, easier, or more comfortable. Sometimes it's even more work and discipline than depending on the system. But it is a process that teaches much about the ways of the world, of Nature both outside and inside ourselves.


Cannabis is to me a big teacher. I don't do it for fun as it's not always fun. Many times it makes me reach into the darker areas of myself. It takes my mind into those areas I want to pretend that are not there, evaluate my behaviors towards myself and others, as well as making my fears very visible so I can look at them. However, once the hard part is over I usually feel with a renewed vision on Life, more connected to myself and my surroundings, with a strengthened empathy to my fellow people.


Open fires

I am the kind of person that every now and then needs to stare into an open fire. I realize most people can live without this, but to me these are moments of deep insight, as I look into the flames I can feel my ancestral heritage sink into me and remind me of the things I want to focus on.


Sometimes I think all I need is a good fire to be happy. People run around looking for complex ways of reaching satisfaction, buy into Tv subscriptions, and work to pay them. A good fire will tell you many interesting stories, lift your mood, keep you warm, and help you go inside all at the same time. And you don't have to pay a monthly fee for it.


Water abundance

I am blessed to live in a place with a lot of water. Lots and lots of water. You walk for a few minutes and you find a river. Then a stream. Then snow. An hour of travel in a car and you're in the sea. This is something I'm very grateful as I have lived in drier areas and big cities where water is extremely scarce and polluted if there is any.


Having access to many places with clean water always lightens my soul. I think: "hell, despite all the stuff that the media intoxicates our minds with, there is still much Life on this planet, and the blessings of this existence are countless.


I'm a weird creature. I enjoy entering the water more in the winter than in summer. I love feeling the cold and embracing it, breathing deeply until I can be actually comfortable. This picture was taken during the winter, with 0° celsius:


Living a simple life also makes me feel strong and secure. I don't have much to guard or proteWhat Are The Things, (Your Roots) That You Draw your Strength And Security From In Life?ct. I don't consider myself owner of much, and at the same time that makes me feel all is available to me. I've been building my shelter with willow branches and recycled stuff from here and there. It doesn't look like much but I enjoy much being there, having silence and contact with Nature.


Striving each day to feel more dignified, while avoiding the rush to get all comforts immediately through the paths laid out by capitalism, strengthens my relationship with Nature, gives me hope that we can live each day better without the need of massive depredation of ecosystems.


Those who have followed my progress in the building of the shelter might enjoy this picture as it shows quite a lot of progress:


Family and friends

Maybe I shouldn't say family AND friends, as there is really not much difference. I have few friends, but the ones I have I can say that are my family, just as much as those that are related by blood.

Actually, I try to open up my concepts and see everyone as my family. It's not easy, of course. Though we are not obligated to get along with all family members so I guess it's ok that some relationships don't work out so peacefully.

Nonetheless, I know that I'm there for those that need me, and that I will always do everything possible to forgive transgressions and move on in Life. I guess that's one of the big lessons of family: to learn to forgive and accept our differences.

Some pics of the family I'm currently sharing more time with (many families out there for me, but here is my present):



con la feña.png

Well, if you read till here, thanks for your time and patience! Stay blessed 🙌

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