How I reorganized my life to be more present for my daughter

in GEMS4 years ago


Happy Day

It is no secret that what consumes the most time that we would have with our children is work, not only the time that we dedicate to dedicate ourselves to it, but also how much work consumes us after hours: thinking about what we have to do, The Stress of Sunday night, the look at the professional emails at home, the message from the boss on Whatsapp or the work group, etc.


How many times have I found myself replying to a work related message on my cell phone while I was there, with my daughter in front of me?

Several times I have the feeling that, although I spend several hours with her, I am not spending enough time and I feel distant.

I realized that I had to reorganize my life in order to be more present, both in terms of the number of hours and the quality of time we spend together.

Some ideas I applied:

When I'm with my daughter, I stay away from the cell phone
It seems most obvious of all, but how many times have you found yourself playing on your cell phone while you were with your children? There is even a joke among some parents that we can't spend a lot of time with our children because we are on WhatsApp discussing active parenting.

So, simply and radically, it is time to play with my daughter Genesis, I take my cell phone out of my pocket and leave it out of my reach, preferably in another room. With some exceptions to take some photos.


My WhatsApp has a warning message: "if it is urgent, call me".

So I avoid the pitfalls of answering those micro commands via Whatsapp that end up taking our focus away, but I'm still available if someone needs me.

Practice works for anything you need to focus on, it also applies when you need to deliver that work but it is time consuming.

It is necessary to make a reservation and financial planning, but the most common situation for families when a child is born is to adjust the bills, after all, health insurance, diaper, school, clothing, toys, doctors, medicine ...

Some families go into overdraft, others get more hours of work, so they don't have to go overdrawn and inevitably end up walking away from their children to get money.

And everyone knows how lack of money takes people seriously, consumes our attention, robs us of sleep, wears out the relationship, and even ends the marriage.


As one mentor once told me: "We need to spend a little time thinking about money, so we don't have to keep thinking about it all the time."

I delved a little deeper into the subject in my last text.

I looked for alternative sources of income
Financial planning helps, but as good as cash on hand is extra cash going into the account.

I actively searched for jobs that I could do at any time of my day to supplement my income. Extra money is still a safe haven - if something goes wrong in your current job, you already have Plan B to execute.

Especially when we live in countries with rates of economic hyperinflation, as is the case of Venezuela, a job will never be enough to mitigate the impact of the cost of living.

That said in passing, I see HIVE as a great opportunity to project my economic future as I continue to have time to be a successful parent.

Thank you for stopping here to read my post, I would like to know in the comments if you have children and how you organize your time to be present for them!


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