Fast Curious Facts #24 | You cannot learn a thing you think you know

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Chatting around with friends in some community servers of the Hive blockchain I realize how much the subject "stupid people" comes around and how hilarious or infuriating everybody thinks they are, I mean, I'm totally guilty, I make fun of stupid people all the time (seriously I rather laugh at them than cleaving them with a battle-axe) but deep inside of me I knew the truth, a condition that plagues us all, we're all victims of this, it is THE CRAVING OF ICE CREAM AT 2 AM... what? No! Well, yeah but that's not what I wanted to talk about... where was I? Oh, yes... THE DUNNING-KRUGER EFFECT!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!

Source: GIPHY

To explain the meaning of this I was just going to paste some Wikipedia shit here but I think I got something better, check this out!

I provide argument and evidence that the scope of people's ignorance is often invisible to them. This meta-ignorance (or ignorance of ignorance) arises because lack of expertise and knowledge often hides in the realm of the “unknown unknowns” or is disguised by erroneous beliefs and background knowledge that only appear to be sufficient to conclude a right answer. As empirical evidence of meta-ignorance, I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

BOOOM! YOU HEARD THAT?! IT WAS THE SOUND OF ALL OF US GETTING SCHOOLED!!! That was David Dunning one of the researchers of this nice study, applauses everybody! LOUD CHEERS AND APPLAUSES Woah, that have never worked before, nice! What the mister owner of the first part of the name of this study found in his research is simple, people who lack knowledge or skills in certain areas often overestimate their actual knowledge and skill said that areas, this has been proved by hundreds of studies covering a myriad of subjects, driving, sports, parenting, humor, oh crap =( art and so on and so forth, to visualize it a bit I leave you with this pretty graph!

Source: OPH

Yep, it is this dramatic, the reasoning behind this goes like this, often people who lack knowledge can't see the lack of it because they don't have the sufficient skill to notice it, in short terms, if you know little about something, you lack the tools needed to realize that you actually and utterly SUCK. C'mon, guys, we've seen this even in movies, the scene goes like this ahem Obi-Wan: It's over Anakin, I have the high-ground! Anakin: You underestimate my power! Obi-Wan: Don't try it! Anakin tries, Anakin turns into a burnt marshmallow, Padme gets sad and out goes the original trilogy Really guys is that simple, and terrifying because it can happen to all of us!

You heard right, all of us, mainly because everyone has pockets of incompetence we don't see also not a single person can know everything and besides, it is a cognitive bias so it's in our nature, you see, cognitive biases, are like shortcut our brain takes to process information in an easy way on world packed with it, but we can train our brains and ourselves to bypass the Dunnun-Kruger Effect, David Dunnin one of the authors of the research LOUD CHEERS AND APPLAUSES ... ... ... Ok, that was weird, where are these applauses coming from? Nevermind, he says to avoid these biases you need to be aware of what you don't know, look for feedback on other people experts even and think critically when you're making decisions but more importantly, keep learning, the more knowledge you put into yourself the fewer gaps for the biases to hold on, this is the ultimate weapon against this monster inside of our brains, so if you're learning new things every day you are on the right track!

Source: GIPHY

Other Sources

Dunning–Kruger effect | Wikipedia
An overview of the Dunning-Kruger Effect | Very Well Mind
Why incompetent people think they're amazing - David Dunning | TED - Ed
Adam Ruins Everything - The Dunning-Kruger Effect | truTV
The Dunning-Kruger Effect - Cognitive Bias - Why Incompetent People Think They Are Competent | After skool
Chapter five - The Dunning–Kruger Effect: On Being Ignorant of One's Own Ignorance | David Dunnin


Source: GIPHY

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