Se fuerte corazón || Cover || by @edwardstobia || ¡Otra de mis canciones favoritas! 😎
Hola amigos || Hello friends
Seguimos en cuarentena. Pero para no estar aburrido en casa me pongo a cantar, ensaya y conocer nuevos artistas. Yo desde hace semanas llevo muy de cerca el trabajo de un Mexicano llamado ¨Kurt¨El cual les recomiendo. Hace días, mientras seguía escuchando el trabajo de este gran artista. Logre escuchar esta gran composición. La cual hoy les vengo a presentar.
We're still in quarantine. But so I don't get bored at home I start singing, rehearse and meet new artists. For weeks I have been working closely with a Mexican called ¨Kurt ¨El which I recommend. Days ago, while I was still listening to the work of this great artist. I managed to listen to this great composition. Which today I come to present.
Amigos, espero que les guste. || Friends, I hope you like it.
Se fuerte corazón || Be a strong heart
Letra// Lyric
</The distance between your arms is so great. Our love has frozen, until I see you again. I left my heart in your hands. I packed up all my dreams. I promised I'd come back.You filled our story with a thousand doubts, me losing my mind, I wanted to convince you. That this love is forever, that I won't forget you Be strong heart, I carry you inside me. The distance is shortened, just by hearing your voice. Be a strong heart, the light didn't go out.There are still a thousand of us left, I love you. And it's so big, our love. Be strong heart. I miss your smile in my mornings. And between so many dawns, I dream of touching your skin You filled our story with a thousand doubts I was losing my mind, I wanted to convince you. That this love is forever, that I won't forget you Be strong heart, I carry you inside me. The distance is shortened, just by hearing your voice. Be strong, the light did not go out. There are still a thousand of us left, I love you. And it's so big, our love. Be strong heart.
me despido, mi querida familia.