Sucio sacado del tablero electrico / Dirty taken from the electrical panel
Definitivamente la electricidad me gusta eso se puede notar con todas las publicaciones que he realizado sobre ello, sin embargo últimamente como he realizado mas mantenimientos de tableros la experiencia que he conseguido es enorme; ya algunas cosas que fallaba se han corregido. Hasta los tiempos de abordaje a los tableros se acortaron, esto debido a la gran labor que vengo desempeñando como electricista industrial.
I definitely like electricity, that can be seen with all the publications I have made about it, however lately as I have carried out more maintenance of boards, the experience I have obtained is enormous; already some things that were missing have been corrected. Until the boarding times to the boards were shortened, this due to the great work that I have been doing as an industrial electrician.
Hay ciertas deficiencias que quisiera corregir pero para ello debo reunir un poco mas de dinero y capacitarme para ello. Ya que el tema es un poco de control eléctrico y quisiera aprender PLC (control lógico programable) esto cualquier capacitación simple tiene un costo alrededor de 800$ con todos los juguetes.
There are certain deficiencies that I would like to correct, but for this I must raise a little more money and train myself for it. Since the subject is a little electrical control and I would like to learn PLC (programmable logic control) this any simple training costs around $ 800 with all the toys.

Tablero antes #1 / Board before #1

Tablero despues #2 / Board after #2
Pero poco a poco continuo realizando mantenimientos de rutina aprovechando paradas programadas a lineas, hoy me toco abordar 4 tableros eléctricos; los cuales estaban completamente llenos de harina.
But little by little I continue to carry out routine maintenance taking advantage of scheduled line stops. Today I have to tackle 4 electrical panels; which were completely filled with flour.

Tablero antes #1 / Board before #1

Tablero despues #2 / Board after #2
El procedimiento de trabajo que yo aplico para cada tablero es una limpieza superficial con un poco de aire, luego ir borne por borne apretando y verificando que el cableado este en optimas condiciones, en caso dado que no este en optimas condiciones corto o lo reemplazo, puesto que este me puede generar fallas a futuro por resistencias o por falso contactos que se puedan producir.
The working procedure that I apply for each board is a superficial cleaning with a little air, then go terminal by terminal by tightening and verifying that the wiring is in optimal condition, in case it is not in optimal condition, short or replace it, since this can generate faults in the future due to resistance or false contacts that may occur.
Al terminar solamente damos las recomendaciones necesarias para las fallas que pudimos observar y no se pueden corregir por no tener material o no alcanza el tiempo para desarrollar las mismas y se pueden programar para futuro.
At the end we only give the necessary recommendations for the failures that we could observe and cannot be corrected due to not having material or there is not enough time to develop them and they can be programmed for the future.

Tablero antes #1 / Board before #1

Tablero despues #2 / Board after #2
Así mismo los reaprietes de bornes van de la mano con limpiador de contactos que remueva lo mas posible toda mugre o partícula que obstruya la energía en contacto y no permita que el componente trabaje correctamente.
Likewise, the re-tightening of terminals go hand in hand with contact cleaner that removes as much as possible any dirt or particle that obstructs the energy in contact and does not allow the component to work correctly.


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