Tenacious tree

in GEMS4 years ago

Take a good look at this tree; Can you see where it's growing? Yes, on the rocks. One can only imagine what degree of sheer hard work, effort and perseverance might be required to survive, and thrive, in this type of extreme environment. This is a big tree too! Although it started life as a tiny little sapling, clinging to life stuck in a small crevice between a couple of 850,000 year old rocks, now many years later, it stands triumphant, strong and tall.

We, as humans, can't grow so tall, nor can we live as long as this tree, split rocks with our bare hands or live in such extreme conditions...However we can apply the same tenacity and perseverance that this tree did in respect of our own lives. Just like the tree, little by little, we can grow and develop as we make our way through life, each day, week and year gaining a firmer hold, control, over our present and future lives. It's an attitude, a desire, that permits us to go to great lengths and show great will and spirit in pursuit of our best life.

We also have the ability to sit back and do nothing, take no ownership or responsibility for our present and future and to hope things work out for the best. It's a mindset we all need to decide upon; Do we do one or the other?

“Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas A. Edison

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