RE: **My Neighborhood Watch #83- Reporting Events Around us**
Your dedication can be clearly seen that you pushed yourself to go to the school even though you were unwell. after recovering from a fever till there were some symptoms in your body like headache and dizziness which made you uncomfortable. Your decision of taking medicine and rest at your sister's house was really great. The coal and shivering of your body clearly indicates that your body still needs enough care and rest. I am really surprised to read it despite all your sickness when you take your children to the fishing boat. This really proves that every mom never misses the opportunity to bring smiles on their children's faces and they did their best to achieve it. Your children had a lot so fun there and wanted to stay there a longer but as a responsible mother, you bring them to home for their Korean reading. It's really natural to feel scared to go to the doctor but it is really very important for health and getting proper treatment before it's too late. I deeply wish that you will recover soon and bring this good news among us.
Terimakasih temanku atas doa terbaiknya buat saya dan dia sebaliknya buat anda semoga anda sehat dan bahagia bersama keluarga, sungguh teman kesehatan itu jauh lebih penting dari segalanya.
Kalau usia sudah diatas 40 tahun kita memang akan merasakan berbagai penyakit akan muncul dan pola makan juga harus kita jaga, sulitnya menjaga ya itu sebab kita menyukai sayuran dan banyak sekali sayuran yang sudah tidak bisa di konsumsi.
Alhamdulillah sekarang kesehatan saya sudah semakin membaik. Dan anak-anak saya sangat senang sekali karena kami akan kesekolah bersama-sama lagi
Curated by : @miftahulrizky