Steemit Engagement Challenge 2 / Steem4Nigeria Contest Welcome Mr. President: We need a Manifesto from you, what should we expect? by @swaylee

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

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Greetings Everyone,
Welcome to my blog. This would be my first official post in the steem4nigeria community and for this post/ engagement we would be looking at the problems in my country Nigeria and how I plan on minimizing and eradicating them. As a Nigerian citizen, we have gone through alot not implying that others are perfect but we in Nigeria have seen suffering on the face when it comes to Nigeria's problems so I am here to change that if I become the president.


my manifesto as the president

An analysis of the current problems being faced in my country

As a rational thinking Political Economist, I have done some research and from my analysis, the following are the problems we are currently facing in my country.

High rate of school dropouts
This is caused by 3 factors, the government, the school and sometimes the student. The government pays less attention to students hence there are things like strike action by the staff union, the longer the strike action lasts, the more students lose hope of finishing schooling because they believe they can use the time being wasted to start something and earn a living from there.

In Nigeria today, no one is sure of moving from one place to another without getting burnt, shot or bombarded by terrorists. Everyone is living in fear as terrorists go around ending lives and properties of people while the government folding their arms doing nothing. These terrorists have attacked places like airports, train stations, churches, main roads, markets and so on this is to show that no where is safe.


Wide spread Poverty
I don't even know who to blame for the poverty. I think there are many factors involved when it comes to the increase in poverty of the citizens. First off the hike in prices of goods and services coupled with the fact that many people are being paid under the minimum wage. There is also the people working under the government who have not been paid for months. There is also the section of people that want free and easy money and prefer to beg than to work.

Large Scale Corruption
I happen to classify alot of things as corruption. When I say large scale, I mean everyone in a position be it governmental or non-governmental could be corrupt even on Steemit. I see favouritism and tribalism as part of corruption. I once went for a job application and a beautiful light skilled lady got the job although I was more qualified for it than she was. Money laundrying and bribery are also part of corruption. If a government official commits a crime, it gets swept under the rug but if an average citizen commits the littlest error, they would face the full wrath of the law.

Here Is why I would be best suited for this position

As a pained and agonized Nigerian Political Economist, I took the liberty of sitting down, reading our history, watching the news, following Nigerian stories back to back, finding out the truth and looking for reasons why such things happened.

I have taken a look at every problem we have faced since our independence and taught up possible and plausible ways with which each and every of the problems could have been handled and I've got to admit I have done a much better job just thinking than some of our leaders have.


Also as a Macroeconomist, I look at the economy and the nation as a whole and I look for ways to carry each sector along and not to neglect the sector which is less beneficial to their pockets like the government does.

I am a perfectionist and an optimist with strong feelings for the country. If the country is not happy then I myself wouldn't be happy. A slap to the face of Nigerians is a slap to my face too. I would also take my time to pick out the best of the best who would work under me as commissioner and so on. I wouldn't condone any act of favouritism or tribalism.

Here are some of the problems I identified and a solution to them

  • Unemployment / Widespread Poverty

  • Insecurity

  • Corruption

  • Indifference to Education/ High Dropout Rate

Possible Solutions

✓ Unemployment / Poverty


  • Boosting education at the basic level which is aimed at atleast eradicating illiteracy.

  • Promotion of self employment by promoting skill acquisition and specialization by giving out free tutorials for basic skills.

  • Eradication of discrimination, tribalism and racism in places of work and ensuring that everyone is paid above the minimum wage.

✓ Insecurity


  • By strengthening the army, armed forces and any security agency in the country, increasing their pay to motivate them and giving them better weapons.

  • A serious punishment for offenders would definitely scare off some of the terrorists. Something like a death penalty would significantly reduce their attacks.

  • Provision of employment opportunities would reduce terrorists since they would have a legal and legitimate way of earning money instead of killing and kidnapping.

✓ Corruption


  • By punishing those in the government who are caught commiting this act. No one is above the law so even if a governor is caught lacking, they have to face the full wrath of the law.

  • Proper finance management in the government. If money is allocated to a member of the government for a project, they should account for all the money spent and the remainder should be returned to the Treasury.

✓ High dropout rate


  • Set monthly symposium and public lectures with the aim of sensitizing youths on the importance and positive effects of schooling and what they would benefit from finishing schools.

  • By ensuring a smooth school year by paying the staffs of public universities and schools to avoid strike actions and a half in the school working system.

Some Innovative Ideas I have in store for my people when I am elected


Foreign Attraction
I would focus on bettering the basic infrastructure in the country and building some rare recreational buildings that would help boost tourist attractions. Just like people come from all the way to see the Eiffel tower in Paris, they would come all the way to Nigeria to see ours and this would boost the foreign currency reserve of the country.

International Trade Focus
Nigeria is known for over importing including things they have but I would change this as I would focus on building industries that special in the mass production of goods that are in high demand in the country and out the country. By doing this, we would export in huge amounts and it would help our economy to grow and to stabilize the country's currency.

Equal growth of all the sectors of the economy
This country always focuses on the petroleum sector as most the money goes in their pocket and they end up neglecting sectors like the Agricultural Sector but I would try to bring all of them up equally especially the educational sector which has been long abandoned by most of our past leaders. I would bring something brighter and greater to the table.



Nigeria, the giant of Africa,the land flowing with numerous mineral and natural resources but being underutilized. With the great power given to use by our creator comes great responsibility and the current leaders aren't living up to that responsibility.
That's why I am here to fulfill those responsibilities, a vote for @swaylee is a vote in the right direction, make the decision now and you would get your dream country. Thank you having me.


I would love to invite @jueco, @kachimax and @alphafx
All unsourced images used in this post were made using Canva


You have said it All brother, this your agenda will really change Nigeria, thanks for sharing ⭐

Thank you for reading brosev. I am eagerly awaiting your entry tho

 2 years ago 

Wow, what a wonderful manifesto, guy u no go like run for the post of Mr President 😂.

With all these, trust me your votes will be guaranteed.

If I run for presidency, you know how Nigeria is now. The northerners have the final say as they are the majority

In fact, after reading your post, I realized that you think a lot about your country. Because your plans seem a bit unique to me from others who have posted and you have shared with us some wonderful plans to move your country forward. All in all, your entry was very good.

Thank you very much for reading, I really do think alot about my country because we are really going through alot and as more successive government go by, the worse it becomes

By punishing those in the government who are caught commiting this act. No one is above the law so even if a governor is caught lacking, they have to face the full wrath of the law.

Great decision. Corruption is really a major problem which every country is facing.

You have described well about problems of your country and you have taken good decisions for these Problems.

Thank you very much for reading. Corruption must be crushed in all forms


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