Money and marriage

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)

Hello everyone here at #steem4nigeria community for this contest ,I love the fact that it is aimed at creating awareness on the importance of caring for the environment and also encouraging the efforts put in to savage the ruins of the earth when it comes to marriage.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

We battle with failed marriages today because of misconception and lies that money can guarantee you a happy home but not knowing that money is only a spice and not the main ingredient that keeps the home afloat .

is money central to family happiness?

Money is never central to family happiness, money is not the main ingredient that guarantee happiness in marriage instead it's just a spice to spice up the marriage. The main ingredient that guarantee happiness is the fear of God and what the fear of God does in marriage is that it brings that genuinely love and the love in return brings respect, humility, contentment and care in the family which are the things that can guarantee happiness in the family. If any family lacks these main ingredients, then with all the money in the world they won't still be happy.

what are some common money related issues among couples in your area? Does this have any cultural undertones?

Some money issues that sprouts out often amongst couples in my area is usually , a case where a woman wants the man to open up a business for her, it becomes a big problem because the husband would want the wife to mind the home alone and not wanting to run a business, the case of a wife not willing to contribute to the day to day running of the family despite having a good paying job and that becomes an issue, or when the man restricts the woman from sending money to her relations.

It has a cultural undertones in a case where a woman earns more than the man, you will see that the community as a whole will see then man as a weakling, as an irresponsible man and that will earn him a bad reputation in the society.

How will you deal with a situation where a spouse feels your money is our money but my money is my money?

I think situations like this should be treated with optimal attention because been over possessive for the wrong reason is bad, as a couple, you have a collective goals, collective budgets and projects why then do you get married at first,you would have stayed with your money and remain single, so it's bad if any spouse tries that but in any case there should be a joint account and aside that also a personal account for there individual needs.

in your opinion , is a wife obligated to summit her salary to her husband at the end of the month? Or should it be other way round?

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I think it's not mandatory or an obligation for a woman to always summit her entire salary to her husband because she isn't a slave to the man and as a human being she has her own needs and for that reason has the freedom when it comes to what to do with her money .

why is money a big issue in marriage lately? What measure do you [or will you ] take to mitigate this problem .

Money is a big issue in marriage today because of the influence of social media on our lives, the luxurious and fake lives that people portray on the internet has gone a long way to forming our desires, sending a wrong message that money is everything in life and as such encourages the young people to chase money in all means possible and if any rich guy gets married today, the next day they are on the internet to oppress those who are not financially bouyant.

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To mitigate this, I would suggest we have a kind of program that will help to educate people on the need build their marriage on love and fear of God, for them to understand that some of the things they see on social media are fake lives.

Money can never be a criteria for a good home, let's be guided as not to enter into marriage because he or she has money because if the money finish, then the marriage is in trouble.

I invite
@vivigebelis and @madilyn02 to join this contest .


You express very meaningful views about happiness in the family. It is true that money is not the main factor that guarantees happiness in a marriage or family. Money is only an additional aspect that can provide material comfort, but cannot replace fundamental values ​​such as fear of God, genuine love, respect, humility, contentment and care.

Fear of God, which often means respect for moral and ethical values, can form a solid foundation for healthy and happy relationships In a family. When love is based on these values, the relationship becomes more solid, respectful and caring.

Although money can provide convenience and comfort In daily life, if the family lacks core values ​​such as fear of God, sincere love, and respect, then happiness is difficult To achieve despite having material wealth. It is the presence of these values ​​that can create peace, emotional closeness, and true happiness In the family.

Good luck

 last year 

Money plays a very important part in any marriage. Without money, the road is just so much more difficult, but not impossible.
If you can conquer a marriage without having to rely on money, the reward is so much sweeter.
Great post!
I wish you good luck with the contest.
PS: Thanks for the invite!

Yeah money is very eminent but still it is not entirely necessary for a happy home and when once any marriage survives without money then such marriage can pass the test of time. A very big thank you for your support

 last year 

Pleasure! ☕

 last year 

Hello Santiago How are You ?

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo el dinero no da la felicidad en el matrimonio.

Para ser feliz debemos aprender a cultivar cualidades necesarias para convivir con la pareja.

Y pienso que no hay ningún problema de que la mujer ayude de manera económica en el hogar.

Hasta la próxima 👋 éxitos y bendiciones

Thank you cive40 for your kind gesture and truely am glad that you agree with me that money isn't or doesn't guarantee happiness. Thanks for reading .

 last year 
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Thanks for your contributions on this topic, truly the way some people are faking things on social media is alarming. I pray people learn how to love genuinely than believing more on money.

Thanks for your kind words and also affirming that money doesn't guarantee happiness

Money,is just one of the tools couple needs to enjoy their marriage. It's important I must say because so many things revolves around it. You have a great post here, well done dear.

I agree that money is like an important tool but still it should over ride the main essence of marriage . Thanks for reading my post

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