My personal perspective on courtship

in Steem4Nigeria7 days ago

It is a pleasure on my side to join the contest today hosted in this community by @okere-blessing which talks about My personal perspective on courtship. It is going to be an amazing contest to write about as I have some basic knowledge about it. Without further ado, please let's go ahead and start immediately.



What is your understanding about the word courtship?


Courtship in my understanding is the stage of being in a relationship with someone you wish to spend the rest of your life with. This means that the period of courtship is a period to know each other and also study each other's character very well before accepting to spend the rest of your lives together.

Courtship helps the parties involved to know each other better such as the character, the likes, the dislikes, and many other things. It is during courtship that you will be able to know the true color of the person and if for any reason you think you can't spend your lifetime with the person then it is the best time to opt out of the relationship.

So in summary, courtship is a period of preparation for a long-lasting journey which is called marriage. According to Christianity, marriage is for better or worse, it is always advised you do courtship to know if you can tolerate and also be able to stay with the person when he or she starts giving issues that weren't there from the very beginning.


How can people in courtship maintain a good relationship that can lead to marriage?


Marriage is not something anyone can just jump into after meeting a man or a woman within a space of one month or so. If you jump into marriage, it is just a matter of time before you will jump out. So to have a courtship that can lead to marriage, you must take time to study and know each other perfectly because forever is too long to endure.

If both parties take time to study themselves and they all know the weaknesses of each other and they are willing and ready to work towards solving it together then you will notice that such a courtship can lead to marriage. If you can not tolerate her and you have not studied to understand her it won't work out.

So to maintain a good relationship means to know each other, tolerate each other, and most importantly be patient with each other. If you have love for each other and you are ready to learn when your partner corrects you in love then such courtship may lead to marriage.


Are there things to be hidden during courtship? If yes what are they. If No back your answers with your reasons.


If you have studied the person and you are sure he or she is the ideal person for you then there is nothing to hide during courtship. Any relationship built on deceit will not last. So these are the many reasons why those in courtship are not supposed to hide anything from each other.


As you already know, when there is openness and truth in a relationship then you will see much growth and progress in the relationship. Tell your partner the truth about everything including your health condition and anything he or she needs to know so that they won't look surprised if they find out or someone else tells them.

I have seen a situation where someone was planning to break a happy family by telling the husband about the past life of his wife. It didn't come as a shock to him because she told him already and the person who came to break the family via gossip left in shame because her target was defeated.


Do you think there's time frame in courtship? Explain.


There is a frame to start a courtship and I guess from that range upward one may decide to go into marriage if he or she sees that they are compatible and that they have all the resources to carry out the necessary marriage rights.

Every courtship should take at least 6 months before the issues of marriage can come forth because the partners involved need to know themselves very well. I'd they don't know themselves then it will be difficult for them to stay together after the marriage.

We all know that there is always a first love and to be sure that what we feel is genuine it is important we remain in courtship and know each other very well and see after that if the love will drop or not. So whatever the case, there must be a long timeframe for every relationship to have a troubled free marriage.


Is courtship a guarantee for successful marriage?


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Courtship to some extent is a guarantee for a successful marriage and the reason I said so is that if the parties involved did proper courtship then there will be no issues later as they have known each other and they can be able to work in agreement together since they know their weaknesses.

So if you compare a marriage which they started via courtship and the one that they just went into it in this generation you will notice that those that started on courtship stay longer in their marriage than those who just jumped into the marriage.

After courtship, it doesn't mean that the marriage will come without an issues but atleast you already know your partner and the character or behaviour won't be a new one for you to take.

Finally, I wish to invite my friends @ripon0630, @suboohi, and @malikusman1 to also join this contest today and share their own opinions about this wonderful topic.

 7 days ago 

You have a great post here, courtship is very necessary,in the process both parties needs to be open to each other. I can agree with you on the time frame of atleast 6months. But sometimes 6months is not really enough I can attest to that.

 7 days ago 

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