in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)
<div class "text-justify"> Hellow lovely people.i love has been your day?. I pray for you ,Today your life shall attract favour in JESUS name Amen. I welcome you all to our todays edition .Today, i will like to actually start with my former edition to balance it.In that edition i was busy lambashing on the ladies and i promised to come for the men.hear me youngman ,80% of your life success is dependent on who you marry. Even the bible (proverb18:22) said that He that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtaineth favor from the Lord.As soon as you begin to think of getting married begin to pray to God for direction because if you dont involve God.satan must be involved and you can imagine the outcome. When you involve God in your marriage HE will direct your part.according to the scriptures above, it is only those that find a wife that will obtain favor with God but if paraventure you carried the wrong person you will loose favour.the bible in book of(jonah1:6) said that those that entered the same boat with Jonah began to throw their goods into the sea in order not to be drawn.Hear me young man if you carry Jonah for a wife you will really loose a is not every lady you see that you marry.pray well o. Meanwhile this is not the topic i want to share today.The topic i want to share today says



Anyone in intending to have a healthy and successful marriage should endeavors to
prepare spiritually,physically,emotionally,financially , intellectually,morally,socially and medically.we are goin to be taking them one after the other.
Firstly, lets talk about the spiritual as


Except the lord build a house the labourers will Labour in vain (psalm127:1a)
Intimacy with God is the bed rock of every successful endavours in life especially in marriage.below are some of the ways to prepare for marriage spiritually. must be born again:you must come to know the person of Christ. A journey without christ is full of crisis.You must invite Jesus into your life like they invited him at the wedding in cannan and He turned water into wine(john2) .when you invite him into your life ,He will gradually change every ugly situation to a sweet wine.Try and see that the Lord is good.
2.Dont repeat your past mistakes.Desist from anything or person that will take you back life of sin and embrace God.
3.Begin to have quality time with God through prayers.start a new work with God.Even Adam spent a goodtime with God before God thought of given him a wife
4.Study the word of God and grow kn it.The word of God is the cleansing power of God.As you study it gradually washes you and changes you to that man or woman you ought to be.
5.Dedicate yourself to the service of God in any capacity that God will open your mind to do.
6.learn to hear from God through prayers ,the word,situations and revelations.
7.Allow God to direct your path so that you dont make much mistakes in life and ofcourse have a mentor,especially a pastor.

Thanks for reading and may the Good Lord reward you richly in JESUS our next series we shall see the PHYSICAL aspect of special thanks goes @ngoenyi,@xkool24,@his general,@cryptocannon.etc.


There are quiet some interesting stories. I hope there will be measures to make it great. I would be very happy if you can space out the words in your next entry for easy reading.

Thanks for sharing.


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