SEC S15W4: "Broken Trust"

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago


Good day to you all. How are you all doing today? This is a very nice contest and I'm very happy to participate in it. Trust is one important thing in life and we all should be able to prevent it from breaking. Enjoy reading.

What do you think the word trust means?


From my understanding,trust means the confidence or reliance on people or quality. It is the dependence or hope upon something. To trust someone, you rely on the person fully and always believe whatever the person do or say no matter the circumstances.It is the firm belief in the reliability,truth or ability of someone or so.

Trust is very important to us, the more we trust someone, the stronger our bond become with that person. Having faith on someone or God without having doubts or negative thoughts about that person.

Presently in your country, do the citizens feel safe to trust one another? If not why? And if yes why?

With the way the condition of Nigeria is now, there is no longer trust. Parents don't trust their neighbors anymore, they feel insecure. It's not easy to trust someone because you never can tell who's good and who's bad.

Citizens don't feel safe to trust one another because the society is now corrupt. Everyone is now watchful and careful with who they mingle with.

Stealing and kidnapping everywhere, insecurities and danger. No one is able to leave his or her kids with the neighbors, even some relations are turning into something else. Everyone wants to be safe. Everyone now walk there own way and mind their businesses.

Have you had any experience where your trust in someone was broken? Or such a scenario from a Friend?


One's trust is easily broken when you pair with the wrong person. I've experienced this most times and it's really unbelievable for someone who you trust so much ends up breaking your trust.

Most people face this most of the time. By ordering goods and also online business, trust might be there but later on, you find out it's all fake. Most people put their full trust in relationships and end up breaking up.

Even when my friend started one online business, she was really pleased with it until later, she found out it's fake. She lost a lot of money and couldn't have trust in doing any other online business that deals with money first.

Can you suggest ways to mend broken trust?


To regain broken trusts there are few things you need to do if you are really readdy to mend broken trust. These are👇

  • Think and medidate on the reasons which caused you to do what you did.Check in yourself to understand why all those things happened.
  • Apologize sincerely from your heart and prove that you are really sorry.
  • Time and attention is also needed. If you spend more time with them, they would come to realize that you are really sorry for the things you caused back then and then you earn their trust.
  • Do not repeat such mistakes ever again when you finally gain their trust.
    Due to how people behave this world is not good to trust someone because of how people treat people so keeping your secret to your self is the best way to be safe.
  • Forget about the past and try to move on so you won't be thinking about it too much.
  • Be careful and watchful who you trust in life. And who you give your trust to.

Because of the behavior of people, we should be careful who we trust and the friends we keep. We shouldn't share our secrets with everyone we just come across because not everyone is there to support us, most people might be against us and never want our progress. I just hope we always meet the best people in life.

Thanks for reading. I invite @pea07, @moecki and @chant to participate in this contest.


Hello! Trust, as you explained, is crucial in building strong bonds. In Nigeria, due to insecurity and corruption, citizens feel unsafe to trust each other. I've experienced broken trust in online business and relationships. To mend broken trust, sincere apologies, time and avoiding repeat mistakes are essential. Caution is crucial in a world where trust is easily broken. Thanks for sharing valuable insights!

 5 months ago 

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MODs Comment/Recommendation:

I learnt a whole lot from your post. It's really not a good one to live in a world where trust is no longer a virtue to be priotised. People now live carelessly hoping to deceive and take advantage of other believe and trust in them. Thanks for sharing. I wish you then very best.
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 5 months ago 

Saludos estimado amig@, ciettamente la confianza supone dependencia y seguridad y me atrevo a decir que la situacion de su pais en cuanto a confianza es muy parecida a la de Venezuela, dificilmente hay niveles considerables de confianza. Éxitos en tu estupenda entrada. Saludos.

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