Maybe they lied to us?

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

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If you had your primary education in Nigeria, it is of very high probability that you are familiar with the song that goes
🎵parents listen to your children we are the leaders of tomorrow...🎵

This is a song I learnt over 18 years ago. But you want to know something interesting? Over the years, the same set of leaders, ruling the country have remained in power, talk about gerontocracy.

It gets more interesting- My older cousins who are over 30 also learnt the above song while in kindergarten but...
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The composer of the song may have seen the need for parents and leaders to train the young minds and prepare them to takeover the reins of leadership. The composer probably foresaw the imminent danger of youth neglect and decided to issue a warning to the public under the guise of a song. However, it is one thing to issue an alert, it is another thing to act on the issued alert.

I think it is worthy of note to state that this rottenness is not only peculiar to the Nigerian system, it is an African deformity. The old school generation of African leaders, see themselves as ordained by "god" to exercise these powers that they have. Gives a gory imagination of how "god" really ordained them to clinch their highly sticky fists on power.

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These people forget that the older they get, the less their ability to function. The cabinets and ministries are headed by people whose ability to creatively proffer solutions to present day problems, have died a natural death.

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Comparing the average ages of world leaders would bring a realization that in the West and Europe, the average is at 30 (if not less) and above, while in Africa, we are "blessed" with an average of 60 and above.

With this I think we need to set the song side and seize the bull by the horns.

Now, imagine you're at a conference and the guest speaker is President Muhammadu Buhari and he is to give a speech about the youth as the hope of the African continent. Laughable, right?

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But it actually happens, we see it in inaugural lectures, book launches and other events. Various topics on youths as the future of the continent.

Yeah I understand it's when we invite these oldies we get fat cheques and then we promise them our total support at the next elections. We keep shooting ourselves in the leg.

Dear Nigerian youths, when are we going to wake up?

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This "we are the future leaders" thing is a sham for them to give us comfort and get out of their way. That future, that tomorrow we sang about 18 years ago is today, it was yesterday.

They come to tell us "another story again" when elections are coming. Fear prevents you from telling them it is time for the "future leaders" to take their place in leadership.

We are fooled by these oldies. The future we should know is NOW.

The leaders who have ruled us from 1999 till date took the bull by the horns. These people have ruled in their 30's. If they thought they were competent then to rule a nation, I dare say we are competent now too.

Why do they debar the takeover of youths now?

Well, I guess they will give the excuse that the youths are lazy and not ripe enough to take up the reins or that the doer of the job doesn't matter as long as the job is done.

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Since the return of democracy till date, how many jobs have been done? We need people who are sound, burning with the desire to proffer 21st century solutions to 21st century problems, not some weak old men who ideally should be playing with grandchildren proffering medieval solutions to 21st century problems.

We need to quit believing that our voices will never be heard. You never gain anything by not trying.

Let us do ourselves by making adequate inquiries about our preferred political candidate. How reliable? How goal driven? Are their manifestoes feasible and sustainable?

If you are a political thug or intend to be one, pause for a moment and as ask yourself these... How well taken care of are the children of your political instructors? Where are they schooling? Where do they work? How are they fairing?

Your foolishness pays them, that is why you are needed.


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