IT IS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAYsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago


It is okay to fail at things you care about.

There is no shame in failing, only in not trying. If you care about something and you give it your all, then that is all that anyone can ask of you. If you don't succeed, it doesn't mean you're a failure, it just means that you didn't succeed this time. Learn from your mistakes and try again.

It is okay to not be good enough.

No one is good at everything and everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. It is okay to not be the best at something, or to not be as good as someone else. What matters is that you are doing your best and that you are continuing to improve.

It is okay to make mistakes.

No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It is okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. Just because you make a mistake doesn't mean you're a failure, it just means you're human.

It is okay to feel unworthy.

Everyone has moments where they feel like they are not good enough or they don't deserve something. These feelings are normal and they do not make you a bad person. Just remember that you are worthy of love and respect, no matter what.

It is okay to be different.

No two people are exactly alike and that is what makes us all special. It is okay to be different from everyone else, and it is actually something to be celebrated. Embrace your uniqueness and never be afraid to be yourself.

It is okay not to know what you want.

It is perfectly normal to not know what you want in life. Just because you don't know what you want right now doesn't mean you never will. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what you want, and that is okay.

It is okay to be afraid.

Everyone feels fear at some point in their lives. It is okay to be afraid, but don't let your fear stop you from living your life. Face your fears and you will be stronger for it.

It is okay to be sad.

It is perfectly normal to feel sad sometimes. Just because you're sad doesn't mean you're weak or that you're not capable of happiness. Allow yourself to feel sad when you need to, but don't forget that the sun will always shine again.

It is okay to lose friends.

Friends come and go, and that is just a part of life. It is okay to lose friends, as long as you don't lose yourself in the process. Keep moving forward and you will find new friends who will appreciate you for who you are.

It is okay for the affection you show to be met with indifference.

You can't make someone love you, no matter how much you want them to. It is okay for the affection you show to be met with indifference, as long as you don't allow it to harden your heart. Keep your heart open and eventually you will find someone who loves you back just as much as you love them.

It is okay to be vulnerable.

It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable, but it is always worth it. When you're vulnerable, you allow yourself to be open and honest with someone. This creates a deeper connection and allows for a more meaningful relationship.

It is okay to be alone.

There is nothing wrong with being alone. Just because you're alone doesn't mean you're lonely. Learn to enjoy your own company and you will never be truly alone.

It is okay to hold yourself to standards and sometimes fail at them.

It is okay to have standards and to expect yourself to meet them. Just remember that you're only human and that you will sometimes fail. Don't be too hard on yourself when you do fail, just learn from your mistakes and move on.

It is okay to be selfish.

You can't always put other people first. Sometimes you need to put yourself first, and that is okay. Just make sure that you're not being too selfish and that you're still considering the needs of others.

It is okay to not have all the answers.

No one has all the answers, so don't expect yourself to have them all. Just be curious and always be learning. The more you learn, the closer you will get to finding the answers you're looking for.

Perfection in humans is a myth.

No one is perfect, so stop expecting yourself to be. Embrace your imperfections and learn to love yourself just the way you are.

Welcome optimism as a part of yourself.

Optimism is a valuable trait to have. Just because you're optimistic doesn't mean you're naive. Optimism allows you to see the best in people and in situations. It gives you hope and it helps you stay positive.

It is okay to be yourself.

You are the only you there is, so be proud of that. Be yourself and never apologize for it.


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