in Steem4Nigeria11 months ago (edited)

Hello friends!! Welcome to my blog today. I hope you are all doing great. I'm writing about leisure time today.
I understand leisure time to be time set aside for relaxation, recreation or rest. Leisure is just the opposite of work. It can involve a variety of activities. Surprisingly, what someone might use a leisure can actually be another person's work. For, example I might play soccer for fun while it is an occupation for others; I might watch football games as recreation while a football coach may watch it for analysis. So based on this idea it is clear that what make an activity to be leisure is the mindset with which it is engaged. During leisure there should not be pressure instead the mind and body should have time to relax. A lot of things can be done during leisure time like playing games, cycling, reading, watching movies, sleeping and a lot more.


The two categories mentioned are people who like to work and don't have time for leisure and people who love to spend most of their time on leisure and don't enjoy work. Well, I think that there is a problem with both set of people, let me start from the first one.

As a matter of fact, it is important to work and to take work seriously. People who take their work seriously are respected and are viewed as responsible people in the society. They also have high productivity at work and most times can handle their financial responsibilities ably. But despite these advantages there is a downside to it if they do not take time out for leisure activities. If one sees work as the most important thing the person might miss out on other important aspect of life that makes him human. By this I mean things like spending time with family and friends, getting enough rest and others.

This can affect the person negatively can cause addiction to work, weaken family ties, lead to chronic stress which can even make the person sick thereby reducing productivity at work and all these problems combined can even cause depression and rob the person of happiness. So in view of this I don't believe in all work without leisure, well meaning firms even arrange vacations for their staff because they know leisure is important.

About the latter group who believe in more leisure than work, well everyone has the right to their own Ideas but it doesn't sit well with me. The truth is that when you spend tok much time on leisure it loses its thrill and becomes boring. Leisure should be something you look forward to.

If you spend all your time on leisure how will you take care of your responsibilities? Even if they are taken care of it gives a great measure of satisfaction to achieve realistic goals. And this requires hardwork. I believe pleasure should be the reward for hard work that is what makes it enjoyable and gives the motivation to work harder.


So personally I think I'll place myself between the two. I really love to work. It gives me joy to look at accomplished task ore reflect on my activities for the week and tell myself that I've done well. With that on mind I can enjoy the reward that comes from my labour. But I still love my leisure time because it's important to me and helps me develop my personality, relate well with others and maintain my mental and physical health. So based on this I won't say I fit in with the both description I just sitting on the fence.

Yes I do have time set out for leisure every week. Since I'm self employed I don't need permission from my boss to be absent from work, while it may seem like an advantage it is also difficult to stick to it since it is easy to be tempted to work if the offer is very profitable. I chose to take Fridays off from work, I do my laundry in the morning and then I have time for the leisure activities. Mostly I just read and then take a nap for like an hour. And I really feel refreshed after. I also set out time on some weekends to play soccer with friends. So while working from Monday to Thursday I always look forward to Friday so I'm among this who say "Thank God it's Friday".


So in conclusion it is said that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" so while work is definitely important leisure is important as well because work without leisure affects a person negatively. On the other hand leisure without work produces the same results that is why it is also said that "play without work make Jack a dunce" but if balanced properly you can be very productive and healthy as well.

@richy20, @ruthjoe.


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