The economic importance of mosquitoes by @michael-akpan

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well these new week, I am here once again to discuss on the economic importance of mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes are little flies, which feed on blood & plants with damaging role, harming other animals by being a vector for disease, such as malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis and dengue. the mosquitoes don't cause the diseases themselves but only act as carrier's. they need to feed on a person or animal who is already infected then when they bite a healthy person or animal afterwards, they pass on the diseases. mosquitoes are of male and female of thousand species feed on the blood of various kind of hosts, mainly vertebrates and are known as member of family of nematocera flies.
It proclations are egg, larva, pupa and adult.

The importance of mosquitoes can not be left behind without a proper emphasis.

Mosquitoes can have both positive and negative impact as well as economic importances on the ecosystem. As part of their useful roles, larva of mosquitoes lives in water and provide food for fishes and other wildlife, including larger larva of other species such as dragon flies. The larva themselves eat microscopic organic matter in the water, helping to recycle it. Adult mosquitoes make up part of the diet of some insects-eating animals, such as birds, bats, adult dragon flies and spiders. In conclusion mosquitoes provide food for other animals.
Another important of mosquitoes in our immediate environment is that it stand out as a mean through which insecticide and drugs industries, companies, factories, make much money by selling out of the manufactured insecticide, mosquitoes net, drugs/vaccines and other mosquito preventive materials, to the affected societies, person in other to rid of the dangerous effect cause by mosquitoes.


Therefore mosquitoes indirectly provides income to manufacturers of malaria preventive mechanisms, in order to boost their potentiality as well as making input to gross domestic product and economy at large.
Mosquitoes plays a vital role in agriculture and articulture; these is done by pollinating some flowers when ever they consume nectar. These measures assist the farmers and also add values in beautifying our immediate environment and human existence.


Lastly, the botfly depends on mosquitoes to Carry it's larvae to hosts.The botfly lays eggs in the mosquito which hatch and jump off when the mosquito lands on a mammal. The botfly larvae then burrow into the mammal and developed there.
Similarly, many disease like malaria depend on mosquitoes for transmission, though i doubt you have much sympathy for these organisms, nor should you.
In conclusion, the problem of getting rid of mosquitoes is that we don't know everything about them yet. They may be useful in away we can't imagine.


In addition to my write-up, let me show you guys the steps involved in sketching my mosquito.



  • A4 paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser

Step 1.


Step 2.


Step 3.


Step 4.
The final step.


Thank you very much for voting and commenting on my post.


Da, ndito ibesikpo ema umum fien, ayatang ntak afo aboho ke abong ado mkpo uwana akuk ano mbon unam insecticide ye ibok utu-ayin. Eya edi peaceful demonstration ke imabridge mbufo ado, edi lockdown the place. And ami mbisaña iso 😂😂😂

Hahahahaha ke akpanikong ke did ooo

 2 years ago 

Woow,this is interesting I never know mosquitors are that important.thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

I Know in mosquitoes their advantages are minimal but beware of mosquito.🏃🏃🏃

 2 years ago (edited)

🤣🤣🤣🤣ok, they are dangerous too.

 2 years ago 

I never knew mosquitos have economic importance. That is why it's good to learn and not overlook. The title of your post caught my attention and I do not regret taking my time to read through. Welldone dear friend.

 2 years ago 

Imagine, I didn't even know that mosquitoes have economy Importance.
I sometimes wonder why they are in existence, now I have come to realize that we indirectly need them.

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