**Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 80: ...When you're not loved in return.
Love is a beautiful thing that we should express in our daily lives, with love you can over look any one lapses, love is something we should keep doing because we might save a life for this little sacrifice.
What do you understand by the concept "Love".
Love is a complicated and dynamic emotion that supercede cultural and social boundaries. Though love has so many meaning, people define it in a way they sees it, such as romantic, familial, platonic, and self-love. Each of these types holds an important role in our lives. Love connect us together, it has this sense of belongings, love is valuable, understanding and compassion. All this makes love important in everyone lives. recently you will hear someone having mental health and emotional wel being and at the end of the day you will see that love is the cause of all this.
Have you been expressing love? If yes, how have you been doing that.
Well I wouldn't say I have not expressing love, you all know that love comes in many ways. Yes I have been expressing love to people all my days and I still continue to do this, love is not until you tell the person I love you, my own way of showing love is that I can pick up my phone and call to check on you, or if I was given something, I will call or text to appreciate that thing. So I show love to my family and friends. Another thing is that I pay attention to people without interrupting when they interact and from listening I will be able to put in my opinion and that's still part of expressing love.
Another thing is that I help people alot without Payback and this has been my own little way of showing love, another thing to show love is my time, I value my time to much so giving you my time is another way telling you that I love you.
How did you respond to those who are not/did not respond back to you with the same energy you're giving out as love.
This is big, we all know that love is not the same on both sides, I can love you not knowing that you don't love me, let's take an example of a relationship between a man and a woman, a man can love and woman and the woman in return doesn't love the back and if such people fall into marriage such marriage will be struggling to survive because the love is one sided. For me I have love some one before wholeheartedly and I didn't know that the person didn't love me the same way I did, so what I did was to withdraw myself gradually without it affecting me and with that I was able to accomplish it. Ok take for siblings, I have been showing love to my family right from time but when ever I need the same love from them I won't get it so I have to advice myself by withdrawing the love. You know this can't bring unity in the family so it's good when the love is on both sides and it will bring unity.
Did their attitude discourage you from being that loving person that you are?
Nothing can discourage me from showing love, this like this is part of me and if I don't deal with it, I will be affected, so showing love to people is something I love doing for years now and I will keep doing but not to those that won't appreciate it. Love is a beautiful thing and we have to keep it strong so that we can fulfill all righteousness.
Even the Bible says that we should love our neighbors the same way we love ourselves.
So expressing love to people is something I will keep doing without any form of regret.
love is an important aspect of life that connect two people together, so showing love to people is what we should keep doing without regretting. We shouldn't even think for refunds, just continue doing your own part and there is always a reward to kindness.
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