Light at the end of a Dark Tunnel

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago



We live in a world filled with challenges, difficulties, trials, and crisis etc, so it is obviously expected for each and everyone of us to find a word of relief, and something that we can believe in, possibly for a better tomorrow. Before continuing, I want to say that I am happy to be part of this contest and I believe that each and everyone of us in this community is okay and doing well. I also want to thank @bossj23 for coming up with such a relatable contest which everyone obviously have the opportunity to participate. Without further ado, below is my participation:

What Do You Understand By The Statement, There's Light At The End Of A Dark Tunnel?



The metaphoric phrase which says "There is light at the end of the tunnel" is obviously a phrase of motivation or encouragement which instill the need for hope in the mind and heart of people, it may also instill the qualities of endurance and patients especially if they are currently facing trial-some or challenging situation. This phrase is also related to the saying: "No condition is permanent". At this point, a lot of people might be forced to ask themselves, is light really at the end of the tunnel in all cases?. However, let us not forget that the above metaphorical phrase is only a figurative saying but in a realistic sense it obviously depends on how excruciating a person situation is, and also how hard and persistent such individual have worked to make sure that his or her situation doesn't remain the same, or possibly he or she stands the chance to see the light when it comes. For example, an individual could be seriously ill with a disease having no cure, at such instance such individual doesn't have a hope of survival, and so we can say that the above metaphoric phrase "There light at the end of the tunnel" is not applicable in this situation. On the other hand, a student who might have spent his or her time and energy as well as financial resources going through School no matter the stress and restrictions it may brings, might find relief and satisfaction when he or she graduates with flying colors, in this later scenario, the above metaphoric phrase "There light at the end of the tunnel" is undoubtedly applicable.

In What Situations Have You Experienced Or Seen The Fulfilment Of This Statement? You Can Share Experiences Of Others Or Yourself.



On so many occasions and situations, I have personally experienced the fulfillment of that statements. But I would not want to share my own personal experience in this post, I would rather share an experience of my aunt, who no doubt saw the light at the end of the dark tunnel in which she was, so to say. My aunt got married into a very wealthy family, and she loved her husband so much, also she loved the family which her husband was from, but the problem was that she wasn't able to give her husband a child, and after several medical test, it turns out that she was barren. Overtime, this situation turns out to be a torn in her flesh, as family members from her husband's side would always curse and accuse her of being a witch or having too much wrongdoings in her past, which amounts to why God wouldn't bless her with the child. My auntie was known for her humility and self-sacrificing attitude, so she kept calm and always praying to God for a change. About 2 years ago, her and her husband was blessed with twins, a boy and a girl to precise. That was indeed a blessing which explains the fulfillment of the metaphoric phrase "There is light at the end of the tunnel".

What Problems Are You Currently Facing That Seems Dark Like That Of A Tunnel?



The world is advancing from bad to worse, and it is possible for each and every individual to have series of challenges and problems in which they might be going through which of course could seem dark like being inside a tunnel. I am not an exception, obviously I have problems that I am going through presently that seems dark like being inside a tunnel which I look forward to overcome. Two major problems that I am facing include:

Financial Incapability: in the country where I reside which is Nigeria, the financial capability of many individuals is absolutely low, which obviously means that they are totally unable to satisfy their daily or basic needs and wants, as well as accomplish goals and objectives which they might want to. I am not financially capable, and these have limited me in achieving dreams and goals which I look forward in achieving. I have talents and gifts, but not being financially capable have made this talent and gifts which I have been blessed with by God to be a waste so to say. I want to learn various skills, but not being financially capable have made this an impossibility.

Family Problems: the family linage which I am from is plague with so much hatred, bitterness and negativity, I so much long for when all this will be over. It is most expected that, family issues shouldn't affect the grandchildren or great grandchildren of a family, but in my own case it does, because I am unable to associate freely with my cousins, uncles, nephews, and nieces. Anyways, I'll just be hoping for the best.

Do You Actually Believe There Could Be Light At The End Of A Dark Tunnel In Your Life? State reasons



Personally, I believe that human resilience and the capacity for positive change can illuminate even the darkest moments and situations, and so the various trials, challenges and difficulties we face today can be a convenient room for growth and development. Yes! there can be light at the end of a dark tunnel in life. Reasons for me believing so include:

Resilience: Humans usually have the natural instincts of bouncing back and adapting to specific situations no matter how dark it could be. A lot of people usually see their present trials and challenges as stepping Stones to their success, and so because of this they continually persevere.

Growth: when an individual face a trialsome or challenging situation, it can obviously present an opportunity for growth and development especially when such individual try to learn from his or her experience in order to do better in the future. Negative situations can foster empathy, teach valuable lessons, and deepen understanding of oneself and others.

New opportunities: To some it is believed that "When one door closes, another often opens, presenting new paths, ideas, outcomes, and possibilities. However, trial-some cases can present unexpected chances for innovation and change, as long as one is ready to perseverance.

Support network: At times challenges and trial-some situations can be so overwhelming and frustrating to handle all alone. In such situation, many lean on relationships with friends, family, or communities who offer support and guidance during tough times for assistance and encouragement.

Hope: Hope is know to be a powerful motivator. Holding on to hope during trial-some times and believing that things can improve, can help one maintain a positive outlook, focus, and drive towards brighter days.


In conclusion, while preparing for the best, be sure to also prepare for the worst, my reason for stating the above remarks is because the metaphoric phrase "There light at the end of the tunnel" isn't applicable in all situations and cases, so it is advisable to give in your best so as not to say in a darkened tunnel for long. Furthermore, we all should be mindful that not all challenges and trials we face today are long-lasting in nature, some are just stepping stones to accomplishing success or achieving more greater things in the future, so perseverance and hard work should be applied if were really determined to see the light and get out from any dark situation we might be in.

I would love to invite my friends @kiwiscanfly, @alli001, @jeph001 to join in participating in this contest.

Thanks for having me. 😁

 5 months ago 

Hi @mellorando you're right no matter how long the night the day is sure to come. You've mentioned a beautiful quality that can help anyone face whatever challenges with positivity; resilience. Continue sharing your good content and always write your posts in paragraphs of
7-10 lines as this will make your post more readable.


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