The quest for Freedom

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago (edited)


The Quest For Freedom.

The idea of Freedom has always been alluring and the thought of it creates appealing dreams of happiness and bliss.
In the word freedom, we often see autonomy, equality, hope, possibility and limitless choices with opportunities and self-determination. It also denotes the absence of restrictions, poverty, discrimination and oppression.

The Fight for Freedom.

The pages of history has a number of people who fought for freedom, Nelson Mandela of South Africa and others fought against apartheid and for racial equality. We also know of Mahatma Gandhi of india, who is known for leading in a nonviolent resistance against the British in a struggle for a politically free India.
Colonists in the American Revolution also fought valiantly for independence from Great Britain.

African Americans have fought for both equal rights under the law and for an end to discrimination.
In more recent years, the LGBTQ+ rights movement have engaged in fears struggling to obtain some kind of freedom in the firm of recognition, equal rights and legal protections for the LGBTQ+ people.

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The "My body, my choice" movement in itself is a fight for freedom. The movement is aimed at obtaining full autonomy when making personal decisions about one's own body, including reproductive rights and the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, without any form of interference from the government, spouse, parents or any outside forces.

The People also want to be able to express themselves without any fear of some kind of censorship or punishment. The press wants to print freely..

Will More Freedom Make Us Happier?

Down into our homes, kids can't wait to turn 18 in some lands because at that age they will have more freedom. The quest for Freedom is becoming universal. But will more freedom make us happier?

Most people struggle for freedom, like a bird in a cage, they long to be let loose, but in most cases, once they are out of the cage, they end up in the cats mouth.

Some people's quest for Freedom is like a driver who craves for freedom from the entanglements of a seatbelt. Such freedom will only result in pains in the event of an accident.

The Gilded Age experienced a type of freedom as businesses were largely unregulated, so they were free to do whatever they wanted, without any concern for the public good. This freedom led to widespread poverty, encauraged child labor, and other social ills. The problem was only solved when the government had to step in, taking away such freedom by implementing regulations.

handgun-3149414_1280.pngGun Rights

Some rights and freedoms can have unintended consequences. An example is the right to be in possession of a firearm in the United States which is backed by the 2nd Amendment. This right quickly led to increase in gun related violence and mass shootings. Resulting in cries to amended this right in light of these problems, but others still argue that it's a fundamental right.

The Concept of The "Social Contract."

We need sufficient freedom but We can not have absolute freedom because if everyone could do anything they wanted regardless of it's consequences, it will result in break down of the society.
To keep the society running, there must be a ballance between an individual's need and the need of the society. people agree to give up some of their freedoms in exchange for the stability of the society.
Members of the society will have to give up the freedom to steal and to murder. When we all give up this freedom we can now get the freedom to live our lives without any fear of being stolen from or murdered.

We forgo some of our right to privacy for our own protection when we allow or financial information to be tracked in order to prevent fraud or any tax evasion.


Freedom is always something that people crave and desire to have, artist like Bob Marley in his Redemption Song, and in "Buffalo Soldier" has touched the hearts of many with his message of freedom. While freedom sounds so good, it sometimes has negative consequences. The Gilded Age and the gun laws are good examples in this regard. It is important to balance individual rights with the need of the society. Excessive freedom can be dangerous and can plunge the society into discombobulation.

Media Credit
Media from Pixaby
Edited by@manuelhooks
Edited withPhotoStudio App
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