The End Of A Phase|| My Journey in Secondary School

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago (edited)
Ever heard the saying:"all good things come to an end"? It is very true and of course, every end has a new beginning. Six years ago, I started my journey in Secondary School and with God's help,I am able to complete that journey.


I was super excited to get admitted in Secondary School. Little did I know how arduous it would be. This is because I had bigger responsibilities than when I was in Primary School. In Secondary School,I was made to study for long hours, write a lot of tests and exams, given lots of homework( especially during the midterm break) and was made to balance my academic life with my social life - which was a great challenge for me.

My first day in Secondary School

This is not to say that I did not enjoy my stay in Secondary School. In fact, a school of thought has encouraged students in Secondary School to enjoy every bit of it as it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can certainly agree with that. In
school, I met a lot of people and created strong bonds of friendship with some of them. I consider the friendships I made invaluable.

Friends they say,are the sunshine of life and you cannot do without them. My friends contributed to my success in Secondary School. Apart from companionship, we were able to build a strong reading team. In this way, we helped ourselves to study and do assignments. Also, they were times when I needed someone to talk to and they were there for me. I am so grateful to my friends for the priceless role they played throughout my entire stay in school. No doubts, we have had misunderstandings but I am still happy to have had them.

In school, I got involved in extracurricular activities like belonging to a club. I was in the Book, Theatre House and the Sign Language clubs all at different periods. Among these,I really enjoyed the Sign Language Club. This could be because I really participated in its activities. I had the privilege of serving as the President of the club. Being the President, made me have a taste of what leadership entails. I honed my leadership skills thanks to the Sign Language Club.

Not just that, I was able to learn a new way of communicating with the hearing and vision impaired. We made a presentation at my school's club exhibition in which we were awarded by my school as the best performing club. One funny but useful aspect of being in Sign Language Clubs is that we as club members used it to discuss whenever we did not want our classmates to know what we are talking about. They sometimes looked lost and it was so fun for us.I really love Sign Language and I am glad I had the opportunity to learn it. I still use it today whenever I get the opportunity to use it.

A great challenge arose when I changed my school during my final year. It was very taxing
as I would have to adjust to fit in. Everything was different, the administration, teaching techniques,coupled with the fact that I had new classmates. I had to adjust as soon as possible. This was because of the number of exams I would have to write. In total, I wrote five different exams within the space of ten months. It was a difficult moment and the toughest. But look at me, I am here!

On the whole, I would love to describe my life in Secondary School as a stressful and rewarding experience. After all the roller coaster journey, I am now riding the beginning of my success. As I look back,I cannot fathom how a seemingly long period of time looks so short. I would love to go over my experience in Secondary School again if it's possible.



My last day in Secondary School ( I moved to a new school that is why I am in a different Uniform)


Leaving for school for the last time

I really enjoyed every bit of it. I am so glad I made good use of it. I felt excitement and a little bit of sadness on my last day in Secondary School. I knew that I had to move on,but I could not help but think of the 😍 amazing memories created. I took some pictures that day.

With a group of friends
With my seatmate

I am indeed grateful to everyone who made my journey in Secondary School a successful one. I would not fail to thank my wonderful parents for the support and love showered on me. My amazing aunty and uncle. My devoted teachers who took their time to instill knowledge, discipline and values to me. Most importantly, God Himself. For I accomplished all these because He gave me the power to do so.

I had a fantastic time in Secondary School and I am happy I shared it with you.

Thank you for reading through. I hope to see you in my next post.

 2 months ago 

What a fantastic journey in secondary school. Wish you all the best in your new academic pursuit 🙏.



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