THE DIARY GAME FOR || 27/05/2024 || The Commissioning And Work

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My dear diary📖🌹
Hello friend, How are you doing, Have you found anything fun Today, If not Don't bother I'm going to tell you how my day went And I promise you will like it, So can I ?


Since we didn't do our cooking today, There was more time for me to sleep And that makes me wakeup at around 7:00a.m Instead of 3 or 4 as usual, And also there was more time for me To engage on other things Before going to work So I decided to cleaning the compound.


However, as I was sweeping I discovered that there was much grasses around the house, I check my time and I still have some left so I decided to weed off the grasses, It wasn't that much when looking but before finishing everything There was much grasses that I weeded


I didn't want to get late to work so I stop the weeding and went inside to get prepared for work, but before that I went to help my aunt prepared her corns for market, my aunt is a corn seller, she wakes up early at 5:00a.m to meet the farmer she want to buy the corn from, then she will then cut the corns from the farm and bring it home to process it, make it good for consumables by cooking it, when done, she then take it to market, so I decided to help her process the corn.


Preparation of the platform for the governor

I left for work at 8:05a.m, on reaching the tie road I discover some changes. It's was announced on radio that the new renovated ORON ROAD IN UYO, AKWA IBOM STATES, is going to be commissioned on 27/05/2024, by the executive governor, HIS EXCELLENCE PASTOR UMO ENO.


IMG_20240527_094229_491~2.jpgMy mom's place😔

Many kiosks, containers and some shops that wasn't well build, were demolished Including my mom shop, this happens on 26/05/2024, we manage to take off the roof and keep it safe then live the rest, but they didn't touch anything more than that.


You might be wondering where my mom would sell since the shop is no more, well, we had a little canopy we use for selling before making the shop, so we are using the canopy for now till when we get ready to repair the shop.


Since, my mom didn't make food today, I was feeling hungry working at the shop, I usually go to my mom's shop to ate my lunch, but since my mom wasn't there, I need to wait till we close from work.


We didn't had much customers that day, it's was a little boring, and I began to wonder if everyone have gone to the commissioning ceremony. But in the other hand I was praying for time to run as fast as it could, so I'll go home and eat.


    It's was 7:50p.m, remaining only 10min to go, then one guy walks in, I nearly punch him with just a look on my face, "only if this guy knows how hungry I am, he wouldn't have come here today", I said to my self, my boss see the look on my face, so he took care of him alone, and gave him a nice haircut.


After the barbing, I went straight home, I didn't follow my door way instead go straight to the kitchen, thanks God mom have prepared a very delicious white rice and peppersoup, I ate it to my satisfaction, infact, I ate it's till i wasn't able to breath well, I was serious hungry.


    After done eating my dinner I wasn't able to sleep at the moment because I was overloaded, so I just sat outside, enjoy the cold breeze, I then took a shower. After that I was able to sleep comfortably, GOOD NIGHT TO YOU.

This was how I spent my day, thanks for stopping by, am grateful🥲

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