Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 61: Is formal education the only path to financial freedom?

in Steem4Nigeria18 hours ago

Formal education has helped in the development of our society, and shaping the mindset of the individuals in the society. There is always a flow of communication or dealing between individuals who obtained formal education, because of their level of exposure. Do those who obtained formal education always get to the peak in life, have a good job, and shape our society? This may not always be the case because those who obtained just basic education and skills may get a better job or get to the peak in life. This post will be debating if all one needs is a formal education or a degree for him to have a well-paying job.


Must you have a degree before you have a well-paying job? Explain with experiences if any

The answer is a Yes and No, It all depends on the location or country. In the Western world, one can obtain just basic education and skills and get a well-paying job based on his skills because they believe in what one can do, not in a degree ( the paper). Therefore, in this kind of world, Yes is the answer; one can get a well-paying job without having a degree.

In other countries like Nigeria, a university degree is the first requirement. Therefore, in these parts of the world, No is slightly the answer. The reason I say slightly is that only a university degree may not get one a well-paying job, but he still needs to acquire skills through professional courses to be employed. For example, in engineering fields, after obtaining a university degree, one still needs to acquire skills through professional courses to be employed in reputable companies. So in this part of the world, degree and skills acquisition work hand in hand to get a better Job.


Is the contest title trying to condemn education?

No, in my opinion. The contest is trying to help people see skill acquisition is as important as a university degree. In my country, Nigeria, there are instances of university graduates becoming stranded because of not finding a job and are left with the option of going to learn a skill, and most times, they will be taught by those who don't have a degree. So this contest is encouraging people to acquire skills while going to a university, and they may even end up making a living from those skills.

Is it dangerous to have the view that you can only make money after schooling?

Yes, in my opinion. This mindset may lead someone to poverty. Opportunities may be presented while one is schooling, and if he declines such, he may end up not having them again after school. A student may even do his small business while schooling, he may also get a part-time job while schooling, or even learn a skill while schooling. This little money may even help him in school, and life after school.

How has steemit proven that you must not finish school before you start making money?

Steemit has proven that one can make money while schooling. One does not need a university degree to write posts on the steemit platform, he doesn't need to submit his qualifications but can write posts if he knows how to read and write. All that is needed is a writing skill, which can be acquired while on the platform.

Quality posts are rewarded on the steemit platform, in other words, users are paid for sharing quality posts on the platform. So a student can write about his school activities and get paid, can even share his educational knowledge and get paid through posts rewarding process. This a better opportunity presented to those who are students. Notably, the steemit platform does not interfere with academic activities, because its users write at their leisure and receive fair rewards. There are students on the platform who are doing well in the platform and school.



Formal education is important, but skills acquisition is also important. In some countries, those with basic education who are skilled in certain areas get well-paying jobs, while in other countries, skill acquisition through professional courses and a university degree work hand in hand for getting a well-paying job. Therefore, it all depends on location or country. But while schooling, it's paramount to acquire skills, and we may even get a job in the future because of a skill we acquired in school. Let's always look for opportunities to make money and acquire skills whether we're in school or not.

I invite;

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Thanks for inviting me, will be dropping my suggestions soon...

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