in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Good day everyone, I hope you are all doing well.I sincerely apologize for the power down that occurred last month without your consent. I had issues with my phone which could not enable me make publications on Steemit. But today, I am so excited to be back and also a member of this great organisation called Steemit. My write-up today is, reasons for high rate of indiscipline in our society.


Firstly, indiscipline can be defined as the poor moral behaviour that is inculcated by individuals which is not acceptable in the society or even in our mind. The reason I used the word "mind" is as a result of some instances. For example, if I involve myself in an act that does not please the society or myself and I tried to cover it up as a good acts, my mind will never let me rest. This instance has made me discover that it does not only occur in my life but also applicable to everyone's life living on earth. Indiscipline has caused a lot of violence in the society, broken marriages and sometimes lead to death.



  • ELDERS: In our today's generation, some of our elders do not show good example to the young ones which are the youth. Thereby leading them astray. We have all been listening to news on how our elders sponsor ammunitions to the youth in order to cause violence in the society or country as a whole. Even politicians that embezzled public funds do not show a good example to the youth.

  • GREED: We discover that so many of our youth today, inculcates the habit of love for money. This has resulted huge percentage of our youth in yahoo, prostitution, kidnapping, arm robbery, etc. But all these mentioned above does not bring peace to their lives but certainly brings frustration, Jail term and death.

  • PARENT: Many of our parent in today's generation do not give proper training to their children. A lot of children get pampered by their parents. This has made a lot of children become indiscipline when they cannot stand strong to oppose the evil act in the world. This is the reason many children becomes indiscipline in the tertiary level were the numerous number of evil in the world dwells as a result of poor training by the parent.

  • PEER PRESSURE: Peers has a good and bad effect on the youth. But the bad peers corrupt the whole society as seen in our generation. The result of bad peers has brought about increase in cultism, hard drugs, immorality, etc.

But as leader, we should not allow the high rate of indiscipline increased daily in our society. We should show good example to our youth. Parents should train their children properly and also in a Godly way. Youth should be educated on how to live a good life in order to become successful in life.

Government should empower and create job opportunities for the youth, parents should also train their child in a morally up bringing, elders should show good example to the youth, etc. If this precaution mentioned above are been adhere to, we are sure of better and trusted youth in our society because youth are the leaders of tomorrow.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate.


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