in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Good day everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I am so excited to be a member of Steemit. My write-up today is, how to eradicate child labour.


child labour is defined as the type of crime in which children are forced to work in their very early age and perform the responsibilities meant for an adult by taking part in economic activities.

Moreover, we all know that they are age limit for children. This means, you cannot force a child under 5-15 years to perform a task that requires the age of 18 and above. This 5-15 years old children should be in the primary or secondary school trying to build up themselves in order to excel academically in their studies and also achieve their future ambition. Therefore, if a person force a child under 5-15 years to perform the responsibility of an adult, he is depriving that child of his childhood, dignity, education career, etc and this is so harmful to the child both physically and mentally. This act of child labour has become so numerous and a way of income for most of the parent in some countries. But I give thanks to countries that are trying their best to eradicate child labour because it is destroying the future of children to a great extent.


There are various causes of child labour which are;
-Poverty and high level of unemployment in most countries.
-Lack of access to regular education.
-Inadequate social control give rise to the child labour in the agriculture and domestic work.
-Large numbers of workers in industries with high pay rate which involve the use of children in order to reduce the rate of the payment.
-Discrimination between boys and girls.
-Family tradition and illiteracy.

-All the children should be given first priority by their parent to take proper and regular education from their early childhood.
-Government should provide free education for the children.
-Employment opportunities should be created by the government.
-The government should enforce that child labour vanished completely with strict laws and offenders should be given severe punishment.
-Organisations that employs children under 5-15 years should be closed down by government.


In my own opinion, with this measures mentioned above, child labour can be eradicated totally from our society. we as parent should know that our children are the future of tomorrow and with that we should consider their academic career as the first priority because this determines the well-being of their future.

Child labour is a big social problem which needs to be solved on urgent basis by the support of parent and government. children are very little, however they carry a prosperous future of any country in the world. They are big responsibilities of adult citizens and should not be used in negative ways. They should get proper chance to develop and grow within the happy environment of their family and school. They should not be limited by the parents only to maintain the economical balance of the family and by the business to get labour of low cost. Government should also try as much as they could to eradicate child labour.
Thank you so much, I appreciate.



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