My Neighborhood Watch #30 - Reporting Events Around us
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Many students were in other lecture halls but this particular hall is the most preferred by me because it is well-lit and it has an inverter, so whenever light goes off on this campus, it switches to solar automatically even though is just for the lighting system. I was privileged to be in a night class that day.
The Readers Building
In every school curriculum educational activities are well-organized and regulated. So there's the period where students learn with pre and in-learning evaluations which I could term educationally as FORMATIVE EVALUATIONS but the climax evaluation is the SUMMATIVE EVALUATION where examinations are issued. Many have argued and may continue to argue that examination is not the true test of knowledge. Hmm... they may be correct to some extent!! What do you think?
Engaging the brain cells.
Some gifted students do not have to study for hours. They can assimilate fast and have high retention capability and others would have to study a material many times with their spirit, soul and body before they can be satisfied to have registered such information in their repertoire of knowledge. So the preparation rate for these students is not the same.
Many students are always scared of examinations especially when they discover that they haven't covered a greater percentage of the course content and based on the complexity of the course and the negative reports they've been receiving from their senior coursemates about the failure rate in the course.
To whom much is given much is expected. Many of these students are not ready to take chances. They are putting in their best to ensure they are well-armed for the forthcoming exams.
Going the extra mile.
Every student have their studying limit, so when they get to that threshold they have to refresh their brain by taking a rest for a while. Do you know that if the next day's exam is a complex one many students will stay throughout the night contending with nature (sleep) so that they won't be embarrassed by their examination paper?
At some point I had to study with nature, interacting with the midnight atmosphere, and the cool friendly breeze.
Relax mode activated.
Reading with nature.
Though many do not find it convenient to study in school at night(night class) because of noise making sometimes by the unserious ones who feel school is a scam and the reoccurring theft cases but I find it motivating because most times when I stay at home to read at night I sometimes study lesser hours compare to night class. I'm always encouraged to continue reading when I see any student still reading even when I feel like quitting. I also get to meet students with useful materials, studying as a team which has always been rewarding. I also get insight from students' activities.
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