My biggest risk @danokoye

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

The biggest risk I have ever made as a teenager

Hello everyone @steemnigeria , how are y'all doing ?. I trust ya are all doing fine ..Welcome to my blog today and I'll be telling you guys about my worse mistake as a teenager.

Going down memory lane, I have taken quite a number of risks as a teenage girl, being the last of four children with strict parents.
It was during the period I freshly got admitted to the university. I have always had this male friend, Emma. Emma and I had always wanted to hang out but never did, few kilometers being the barrier due to the fact we stay in two different towns, but not quite far from each other.
On this fateful day we had agreed to meet in a mall. Everything went as planned until I got stuck in traffic on my way to the mall. Wait, did I mention I didn’t have enough cash on me?? Well, the plan was I transport my self to the mall, meet up with Emma who is going to Carter for my fare home. I know you would be like plan B and all, oh yes I had that too.
Our meet up plan took another twist after I spent a lot of time in traffic. I kept watching the time tic-tac. Finally, I arrived at our said venue, I called Emma whom has been waiting for me earlier on. Emma said he had left after a long wait but I should chill that he would be on his way. Chill? Me that is out of time already. Well, not like I had an option, so I did chill.
Emma was not forth coming, said he was in traffic and all, it was getting late and dark. My worries was no longer to meet Emma, my worries was how I would get home. I will still have to face traffic because it’s already late. Oh shit! The money on me wouldn’t be enough to take me home. I was supposed to have my credit card with me, I reached out for it, much to my dismay it wasn’t mine but my dad’s. I took my dad’s credit card instead of mine. I felt like crying.
You might be wondering how his credit card got to my possession. Well, as I was the only one at home at the period and jobless too, my dad do send me to the bank to withdraw and deposit money to my siblings in school. Sometimes he leaves the card with me and all that. So, that was how I was left with no cash and my dad’s credit card. I had no option than to withdraw with the card and get home first. I knew I was doomed.
I ended up not seeing my supposed date, I got home late than usual, my dad had gotten the alert before I got home. I just knew I was done for. I didn’t even know how to explain the whole drama to my parents. None of my siblings was around too. Well, the bottom line was that I got whipped, the whole risk was just not worth it. Emma later apologized though he didn’t know about my dad’s credit card escapade. At least I have a story to tell.
Omo every since my sorry experience before i go on a date with anybody, I make sure I have everything thing I need in place to avoid unforseen circumstances and find myself in a state ....Like the popular saying 'once bitten twice shy '
Thanks for reading
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