Steemit Engagement Challenge 2 | Steem4Nigeria Contest | Welcome Mr. President: We need a Manifesto from you, What should we Expect?

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

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Hello 👋,

Steem greetings y'all in this great Community of @Steem4Nigeria. I hope y'all are doing perfectly well. It's an honor to be creating my first article in this community today. I'm also honored to participate in this engagement challenge contest / S2W1 in this community which is talking about "What my Country people are expecting from me if I become their next president". So, without waisting any time, I will proceed with my entry and I wish y'all happy reading

I am a young Cameroonian that goes with the name Chia Bertrand Fuchi with steemit username as @chiabertrand. I am a citizen of Cameroon by birth and I come from the Northwest region specifically In BOYO division and My Tribe is KOM. This is where I was born and brought up. I am an Anglophone who speaks fluent English and French

Your Mr President
Your Mr President
Analysing The Current State Of My Country

As I earlier said, Cameroon is my Country. At this point of time, the total population of Cameroon is almost clocking 28 million with the percentage of youths Below 25 years to be over 60%. This implies the majority of the total population of Cameroon is made up of youths. Cameroon is made up of 10 Regions, 8 of which are Francophone (French speaking) regions while 2 are Anglophone (English speaking) regions.

They ars two major problems ravaging my beloved country Cameroon which is the current Anglophone crises in the English speaking regions of Cameroon and the Boko Haram terrorism in the Far North region of Cameroon which is the French speaking region. Cameroon is also facing Minor problems like ethno-political tensions which is usually on and off, high level of bribery and corruption, high level of cyber crimes, killings, Property destruction, Torture by Government Forces, crackdown of Political Opposition, justice/accountability, sexual orientation, Gender Identity and so many problems, just to name a few.

Due to all this problems, Cameroon has experience high rate of unemployment and illiteracy most especially in the Anglophone region because of this un-going Anglophone crises since a majority of the youthful population haven't had the chance to go to school for close to 6yrs now, workers have stopped working because of fear of being attack at their job sites, most businesses have been shootdown making business men stranded and frustrated, Farmers have experience a drastic decrease in their farming outputs since they don't constantly farm as before because of some restrictions and too much ghosts towns, homes have been burnt down making people to be internally displaced, a lot of people have lost their life's as a results of this crises both innocent, civilians, military and the Ambazonia Fighter's have lost the life's. We are alive today is all thanks to God almighty for his divine protection

Another problem that is affecting our beloved nation Cameroon is the current Ukraine-Russian war. It has caused an increase in the rate of inflation which has in turn pushed up the prices of goodies in my country making the rate of living standards to be extremely very difficult. We have had a very short supply of flour, sugar and other goodies which has made a very sharp increase in the prices of anything that is produced with floor. The price of most goodies have increased because if an increase in the demand for the goodies

High rate of corruption is ravaging my nation. Cameroon is classified as one of the top corrupted nation in Africa, can you imagine that!. The corruption rate is everywhere starting from top ranking government officials right down to commoners. So everywhere is full of corruption and this has caused the innocent Once to be victims of circumstances. We see very intelligent and skilful youths being frustrated because their positions have been bought by people that have enough income.

It is believe that in Cameroon, it's not longer intelligent people that are employed because it's the rich that are employed because they have the money to buy any position in the country. So we are in the country where the rich get richer while the poor gets pourer

Why I Think I Will Be Suitable For The Position Of A President In Cameroon

Becoming a president is of a country is not what everyone should always think of because it's a very big responsibility as you will be out to serve your country flesh and blood, it requires an individual high level of communication skills which is what I got, my friends such as @tangwe-rene @monjoappollonia, @wirngo @echamroland and others know me and became familiar with me because of my high level of communication skills.

A good president should also have very high and strong vision for the future of his country. I'm somebody with high visions for my country. So if given me the chance to become president of my of nation, I will make this visions come to reality.

A good president should be capable of sacrificing his/her own time in carrying out his responsibilities and other urgent matters that always arises in his nation for the sake of his people. I'm someone that can sacrifice for the sake of others just to see others succeed if know they are for real. I had developed this spirit since from childhood as I always like helping out my friends in pertinent issues that I fine useful for them. @tangwe-rene who happened to be my childhood friend can attest to this. So my chance of becoming the president will make me have greater chances of sacrificing for people so as to see a better nation.

A good president should always be brave enough and courageous in making unpopular decisions because of his vision for the future. I'm someone that have the courage to make decisions that is not known by anyone because I always think ahead before making such decisions. I always keep my brain working while anticipating for what will become in future as I work towards it. So making me the president of my beloved nation will help me in making Cameroon a more better place because I will always think ahead what is good for my beloved nation.

A good president should have a good knowledge of management skills as far as crises and criminal activities are involved so as to always calm down the chaos that may arose. I'm someone that is good at calming down fights, problems face by friends and family because I'm a man of peace and justice. So if given me the chance of becoming a president, I make sure to always ensure peace and stability of my beloved nation

A good president should have good character, good health and be physically fit to serve his nation. I'm a man with a very good character, I make sure I check my self in the hospital every after 3months for good health, I am physically and mentally fit and all this can make me to served my nation as a president without any complains.

To become the president of Cameroon, one has to be fluent in English and French so as to serve the nation without any language barrier. I'm someone that can speak good English and French. So the presidential candidacy will suit me

The Most Pressing Problems That My Citizens Are Facing

My fellow Cameroonian citizens ars facing a lot of pressing issues such as high level of unemployment, they are millions of jobless youths out there struggling to survive in life despite being undergraduates from the University with degrees, masters, doctors and so many other professional certificates but have no jobs

My Country is facing high level of corruption. As it is said, Cameroon is one of the top ranking countries in Africa as far as corruption is concerned. This has caused the lost in value of what a skilful person posseses because he/she can't utilize it by putting food in his table because he can never be employed unless his pocket is thick. Now in Cameroon, being a brain box or a skilful person doesn't matters because what matters how financially stable you are. Once you have money, you can buy any employment position in Cameroon while the skilful and the brain-boxes will sit at home jobless because they don't have enough money to buy employment positions

Another major problem in my country is the current Anglophone crises that is ravaging my nation ever since it escalated in 2017. This has caused to lost of life's. It has also lead to internally displaced people, it has lead to so many children not longer schooling, has crackdown a lot of businesses

My Proffer Solutions To This Pressing Problems

I have a lot of proffer solutions that can make my country a more better place and country foreigners will love to visit. Below, I will highlight some of this solutions

My first proffer solutions is to increase the rate of employment opportunities for the youths by widening the chances of people recruited during concourse. They are certain concourse that chances are very limited despite the large number of population that always seat to write it. I will also look for other means my youths can be employed by creating new employment opportunities in other fields. This will help reduce the number of unemployed youth's in my country

My second proffer solution is to put an end the high level of corruption in my country. How will I do this? We know that corruption has disproportionate effect on the vulnerable people and the poor, So I will do my best to stop any dishonest practices, I will make sure to expose any corrupt activity and always make sure the person involves get punished. I will make sure to keep the public sector honest, accountable and very transparent, then I will ensure that the public sector employees act according to the public interest

My 3rd proffer solutions will be about the Anglophone crises. It should be noted that it's only dialogue that can solve this ongoing crises. I will try and fine a means to have a dialogue with the Ambazonia leaders and look for ways forward in making the country a decentralized nation with a governance. With a decentralized nation, each state can raise their own revenue by issuing taxes and renting of government state houses, halls and so many others, They can also manage their own budget, control their own economy, set thier own laws, rules and principles, they can be govern by political bodies. With a decentralized system, I think Cameroon will become one and indivisible again just as before.

They are so many other things I can strategies to make Cameroon a better nation but it's unfortunate one can't bring them all furward. I think the ones I have mentioned are the major and urgent solutions that Cameroon really needs

Do you have Any Innovations you are bringing in?

Yes I have innovations that I can bring in when I'm the president. I will list a few below 👇

1: My first innovation is to improve on the level of infrastructural development by fixing spoiled roads especially in the remote areas so that it should be more accessible and easily reached.

1: Agriculture is one of the most important aspect that a country needs to be involved in because it provides most of the world's fabrics and food items. So, I will use the opportunity to implement land reforms by bringing in modern farming methods across the entire nation with the use of machineries such as tractors, power tillers, sprayers and so many other. I believe that reinforcing a country's agriculture sector is extremely very good because it helps in reducing the rate of unemployment, it reduces malnutrition, increases income stability and also improve on the standard of living.

3: Another Innovation is by implementing crypto currency payment method in my country. During the crash of crypto currency last month, it caused the CEMAC zone to ban crypto currencies which my country falls under one of the countries in the CEMAC zone. I'm a lover of crypto and I'm a crypto trader and I know quite well the importance of crypto which is what I Know it will be good for my nation when so many people are involved in because it's payment method is relatively faster, cheaper, low transaction fees.


Thanks so much for your time everyone, I will end here by inviting my dear friends,@wyzcekunited, @wirngo , @monjuapollonia and @echamroland to come and participate in this amazing contest

Much regards : @chiabertrand


I can see that you have a great plan for you nation cameroon and putting all the points in place , your can see that your nation is going to be in a place and I believe such opportunity need to be given for everyone to show case them self for any givings position thanks for sharing

I am happy reading the highghlited innovations you are having in mind when you become the president. Having people of such thoughts would actually make our world a better one.

Our leaders are too selfish abd perhaps, ther old, its time for the vibrant youth to take over learseeship because we know the very best for our present generation. Thank you dear, yoi have written greatly well.

I'm glad you went through my article and got excited after reading through it. I'm also glad you appreciated my efforts of making my country and the world a better place if I become a president. This motivates me alot

Our leaders are too selfish abd perhaps, ther old, its time for the vibrant youth to take over learseeship because we know the very best for our present generation. Thank you dear, yoi have written greatly well.

It's so painful that you have said the bitter truth here. Most of the employed people are already of of-age and too old but it's bad the government keeps employing only older generation by forgetting younger generation hence making the system very weak, tiring and boring. This has caused so many youths to get involve in odd jobs just because they want to survive in life.. we hope something can be done about this

Thank you Mr president for the nice content, I know you have vision for our country keep the energy up you will get there.

Thanks alot for going through my post and appreciating it. Thanks for the visit, I really do appreciate

 2 years ago 

What a well detailed manifestos Mr President, you have make all your point so clear to your country, and your innovations are very impressive.

One if the major problem we have even here in Nigeria is bad roads, and I strongly believe if you are being elected you will difinatly do justice to that.

Best of luck Mr President 🤗🤗

What a well detailed manifestos Mr President, you have make all your point so clear to your country, and your innovations are very impressive.

This activate and motivate me alot. I'm happy for the fact that you have appreciated every point I have made here.

One if the major problem we have even here in Nigeria is bad roads, and I strongly believe if you are being elected you will difinatly do justice to that.

I see this is a major problem most underdeveloping countries are facing. I hope something can be done to remedy this problem of poor infrastructures and bad roads

Best of luck Mr President 🤗🤗

Thanks so much for the well wishes and for the engaging visit

 2 years ago 

You are always welcome 🤗

with this great innovations of yours you are the type of President every citizens deserve.
Thank you Mr President for this brilliant entry

I'm happy you were able to appreciate and socumed to my innovations if I was to be given the chance of becoming a president.

Thanks so much for the engaging visit brother

Do you have Any Innovations you are bringing in?

Brother I can see that you have so many innovation plans for your country cameroon and I think if all this strategies are put in place ,I think cameroon will be a better place

I'm happy you were able to appreciate and socumed to this my innovations if I was to be given the chance of becoming a president. I wish I could be given the chance one day to serve as the president of La Republic Du Cameroon. I will make dreams come through by making Cameroon an emergence country

Thanks for the visit brother

You are highly welcome brother

Indonesia and your country may have almost the same problems, hopefully the government and the president elected by the people can solve all the problems facing our nation

Woow I didn't know Indonesia faces similar problems like my country. We hope some remedies can be put in place to reduce some of this problems because is bringing confusion most especially to the youth's as they are so frustrated

Indonesia has more complex problems because our population is more than 250 million and many youths are unemployed, hopefully Indonesia and your country can be better and more prosperous, greetings of friendship from us in Indonesia

 2 years ago 

Yes bro you are really fit for the job, because you are also very hardworking and consistent.

My 3rd proffer solutions will be about the Anglophone crises. It should be noted that it's only dialogue that can solve this ongoing crises

This i really one of the best solution to give such pressing issues and a Decentralized systems would really improve love and security because no party would accused the other states of stealing their resources and cheating them.

You have wrote well friend this is really a nice one dear,

Wishing you success though out the contest

Yes bro you are really fit for the job, because you are also very hardworking and consistent.

Thanks for going through my post and voting me to become the next president of my country

This i really one of the best solution to give such pressing issues and a Decentralized systems would really improve love and security because no party would accused the other states of stealing their resources and cheating them.

Thanks for supporting me on this vidics brother. If given the chance to become the president of La Republic Du Cameroon, I make all this come through and make Cameroon a much more better nation

I appreciate your engaging visit

A good president should also have very high and strong vision for the future of his country
And that is why we elect you

You have stated that you will make a good president, the situation of Cameron is in your hand and the solution you have provided your excellency will see to the growth of the country which will, in turn, yield a better nation in the long run

What would you do me President if corruption is eradicated and some office elect tries to bring the bad into your good governance?

You have stated that you will make a good president, the situation of Cameron is in your hand and the solution you have provided your excellency will see to the growth of the country which will, in turn, yield a better nation in the long run

Yeah brother, I know most of the major problems my country is facing and I know that if I am given the position of a a president, I will be able to handle this problems and solve them all

What would you do me President if corruption is eradicated and some office elect tries to bring the bad into your good governance?

We should know that corruption has
a disproportionate effect on the vulnerable people and the poor, So I will do my best to stop any dishonest practices, I will make sure to expose any corrupt activity and always make sure that the people involved get punished. I will make sure to keep the public sector honest, accountable and very transparent. As a president, not everyone can appreciate your efforts, so It will not cause me any harm or surprised me if some people call me names because I am exposing them for the act of bribery and corruption. so I will always do what is write and good for my people

Then you will be a hero of the nation. President WOrk no me small o

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