SEC S15W4: "Broken Trust"

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago


When a word comes out of your mouth, it will never return, the same way it would be when you break somebody's trust, it may be forgiven but never forgotten and it will be very hard for you to gain the person's trust again. It is very important to stay faithful to one another in any form of relationship we share with them.


What do you think the word trust means?

It means to have confidence in someone, and to see someone as a trustworthy and sincere person. It all comes down to how pleased you are counting on them and trusting them to follow through on their commitments with you as you are with them. Relationships with others such as a business owner to her customers depend on trust. And the relationship between two persons depends on trust. It's about emotional safety in the company of others and having confidence in them that you can always lean on them in both good and bad times.

It's having faith in them to follow through on their commitments and not disappoint you. You feel secure and at ease in their company when you have faith in them. It plays a significant role in our relationships with families, friends, and enterprises. Feeling secure and confident in our relationships and interactions is the foundation of trust.


Presently in your country, do the citizens feel safe to trust one another? If not why? And if yes why

Sadly, certain issues make it hard for people to feel secure enough to trust one another in our nation. Community and individual trust can be undermined by societal divisions, inequality, and unethical practices. Also, residents' confidence levels may be impacted by worries about safety and security, whether they are brought on by criminal activity or unstable political conditions.

Trust is severely damaged by economic inequality. A breakdown in trust between individuals and communities can result from sentiments of bitterness and alienation that occur when there is a significant difference in wealth between the privileged and the less privileged. Also, incidents of institutional corruption can corrupt public assurance in society by giving the impression that those in authority are not looking out for the interests of the people.

Have you had any experience where your trust in someone was broken? Or such a scenario from a Friend?

Yes, there have been instances in which I felt betrayed by someone. It was challenging, but I've become stronger and learnt from those experiences. Regarding friends, I've witnessed similar situations occur, and it's never easy to see someone you love go through that.

Trust is a delicate case, I've regrettably been in circumstances where people betrayed their trust. Dealing with it can be quite difficult and depressing especially if you've put a lot of time and energy into the relationship. Also, I've understood a lot from these experiences about being careful, setting boundaries, and the value of understanding in relationships.

Regarding friends, I've witnessed them have comparable situations. Witnessing the betrayal or disappointment of someone you care about is devastating. In those situations, you may significantly impact their recovery process by supporting them, listening to them without passing judgment, and assisting them in getting through the suffering.


Can you suggest ways to mend broken trust?
  • Sincerely apologise: Express regret and empathy for the effects of your actions, together with a sincere apology, to the person you have affected.

  • Be open with one another: Maintain clear, open lines of communication. Respond to the other person's queries or concerns.

  • Set expectations and boundaries: To avoid future occurrences of the same problems, clearly define expectations and boundaries.

  • Give it time. It requires patience and time to rebuild trust. Continue to demonstrate your dedication to mending the connection while exercising patience with the process.

  • Listen and validate: Give the other person space to freely communicate their emotions and worries. Be understanding and empathetic towards their viewpoint.

  • Set expectations and boundaries: To avoid future occurrences of the same problems, clearly define expectations and boundaries.


In conclusion.
Trust broken can never be regained. Learn to be truthful and be committed to your relationship. Be ready to listen and be ready to defend them behind their back. Don't sell out your trust for a peanut.

Please if my post resonates with you, comment and vote on my post. I'm inviting @abdullaw3 @kouba01 and @okere-blessing to participate in this contest.

 5 months ago 

En la mayoría de las ocasiones uno siempre menciona las veces que ha sido traicionado, pero son muy poca la veces que asumimos que somos los traidores.

Es que nadie cuenta la historia para perder y muchas veces no asumimos algo que planteas muy bien en tu publicación:

Cuando una palabra sale de tu boca, nunca volverá, de la misma manera que sucedería cuando rompes la confianza de alguien, puede ser perdonada pero nunca olvidada y te será muy difícil volver a ganarte la confianza de esa persona.

Esto es algo que es muy real y que debemos entender y llevar a la practica, no es solo el asumir cuando se es traicionado, también es importante el saber cuando uno traiciona.

Igual de importante es ser un buen apoyo a quienes están dentro de nuestro entorno y son traicionados. No es juzgar o reclamar el hecho de haber sido confiado, es mas un apoyo, que muchas veces puede ser silencioso, pero que vale mucho.

Que buena publicación. Tocaste puntos importantes. Te felicito y deseo suerte en el concurso.

Hasta la próxima...

 5 months ago 

Hai teman..

Senang membaca publikasi anda itu sangat menarik dan seru untuk dibaca.kepercayaan jika sudah dirusak akan sulit untuk diperbaiki walaupun kita melakukan beberapa pendekatan agar kita bisa meraih kepercayaan itu lagi, kemungkinan jika kita berusaha dan berkomitmen dengan sungguh-sungguh mungkin saja kesempatan kedua itu ada, tapi mengkin tidak akan sama seperti di awal.

Semoga sukses teman...

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment

Life is about learning, things happen so we can learn and know how and ways to follow just like you were betray by someone.

At least now will know how and whom to share or tell your secret.

Yes once beaten, twice shy.

Thanks gor reading

You are welcome

 5 months ago 

This are my thoughts after reading your post; Your insights on trust are profound. It's disheartening how societal issues erode trust. Your personal experiences and suggestions for rebuilding trust are valuable. Let's strive for honesty and commitment in our relationships. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for reading.
I appreciate the comment

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