Contest : Schooling the road map to success

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)


The sun rises, marking the start of a new day and a new adventure. Today, I am participating in a contest posted by @lhorgic in the steem4Nigeria community. My heart races with excitement as I sit down to write my creative piece, ready to showcase my talent to the world. The thought of possibly winning this contest fills me with pride and a sense of achievement. I pour my heart and soul into this piece, determined to leave a lasting impression. This is my moment to shine and I am ready to take on the challenge. Let the writing begin!


Going to school is not a waste of time and resources ! justfication

School is not a waste of time and resources. In fact, it is an essential part of life that lays the foundation for success and personal growth. Education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. It teaches us critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, which are all essential life skills that are useful in any career or personal pursuit.

Moreover, school offers a diverse range of opportunities for individuals to explore their interests and passions. Students can participate in clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities that help them develop new skills and relationships. These experiences shape students' personalities and prepare them for a successful future.

Schools also provide a safe and supportive environment for students to learn and grow. They are staffed with qualified and experienced teachers who can help students overcome challenges and achieve academic success. Furthermore, schools offer resources such as libraries, computer labs, and specialized equipment that would be unavailable to many students if they had to rely solely on their families.


Education Shapes Future Success

As a university student, my schooling experience has played a crucial role in shaping not only my education, but also my creativity. Schooling has opened my mind to new ideas and perspectives, taught me critical thinking skills and allowed me to learn about a diverse range of subjects. This has helped me to develop my own unique voice, and to express my thoughts and opinions in a confident and articulate manner.

In addition, my schooling has encouraged me to be creative and explore my own interests and passions. Whether it was through art, music, or writing, my teachers have encouraged me to express myself and have supported me in my creative endeavors.

Furthermore, my schooling has taught me how to work with others, which is essential for the creative process. Collaborating with others has allowed me to learn from my peers, to see different perspectives and to bring out the best in each other. This has helped me to create better and more innovative solutions, and to develop a stronger sense of community.


If i were remained illiterate

If I never went to school and remained illiterate, my future would have been bleak. I would have been limited in my opportunities and unable to contribute to society in a meaningful way. I would have been restricted to manual labor or low-paying jobs with little room for growth or advancement.

In the concept of Pakistani society, being illiterate is a hindrance to personal and professional growth. Society values education and literacy and those who are unable to read and write are often looked down upon. This can lead to social stigma and marginalization, making it even harder for them to succeed and improve their circumstances. The future for an illiterate person in Pakistan would be uncertain and filled with challenges .


Thank you very much

Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it's time for me to move on. Take care and I hope to see you all again very soon.

Your gorgeous friend Hamad khan
steem on

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten


hey @artist1111, you have discussed a great topic and good thoughts of you and i am really very impressed by your work. I agree with you that schooling is not a fun for us but it is a place of grooming for us. We should be aware of all the benefits and disadvantages of the society and school gives us the most healthy competition for this.

best regards: @tayyab100


Thank you for your kind words, @tayyab100. I'm glad to hear that you agree with my perspective on schooling. I truly believe that school provides a valuable platform for personal growth and learning. The competition it fosters helps us to develop our skills and reach our full potential. I appreciate your support and kind words. Best regards to you as well.

Hello @artist1111, you've stated a very good point in this contest that schooling is not a waste of time and I'm in a full support with that.

Thank you for your support! I believe that education is the foundation of personal and professional growth, and it equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in life. So, I always stand by the idea that schooling is never a waste of time.


Hello! Am glad you are in the side of education, yes education shapes future success, it's the foundation to greater success.

Your post is awesome, wish you good luck.

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