Bringing Iron Man to Life: Brains, Wealth, and Heart...

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago (edited)



Movie lovers always have that one super power they would love to come to life. This especially I have seen to be very common with sci-fi or fantasy based movies. The biggest movie producers for these sci-fi based movies are undoubtedly marvel and dc. I cannot count how many times I have seen people argue which the best franchise is both online and in person.

There are a lot of characters in the sci-fi world I would love to see in real life and I think I have written about my love for Thor before, But given an opportunity to have one super power, I would love to have the super power of Iron man.



Iron Man is a super hero but we see that unlike Thor and some others he doesn't have mystical powers. His powers are derived from technology, the use of his brain and the use of his wealth. Iron man basically had it all. And that is probably why I would love to have the powers of Iron Man.

Being iron man would mean I would have the brains, the money and the super powers. Iron man also had the looks and though his love life was a bit suspect, he did get the ladies hehe. Iron man in the end of the "end game" avenger movie, had a family he adored and they adored him as well. Being a family person myself, I would love to have a family that loves me as much as Iron man's wife and daughter loved him.

Iron man used his brains and wealth for good. He managed to run a very successful business and build a lot of AI and machines to help fight crime. In his own way, Iron man contributed to the order in the marvel universe. Iron man developed his iron man suit which for anyone who has watched Avengers knows just how exceptional that suit was.

Having the brains of Iron man would mean I would be able to develop very useful machines and technology to help the world. Iron man with the help of the Avengers developed a time machine, the spider man suit, and a lot more technology.



Iron man was selfless and had a very caring heart. We see how he cared for Spider man in civil war, infinity war and how much he cared for the whole of humanity in end game. Iron man sacrificed himself for the wellbeing of humanity by taking the infinity from Thanos and reversing what Thanos did.

Iron man was a leader as well and that is why having that kind of person in real life would be a plus. Iron man was able to mobilize people of different beliefs, powers and of different worlds to form a formidable team. The creation of a team like avengers helped to do so much for the human race and the multiverse.

So, to conclude I believe having the powers of Iron man would be too much to say not to. Iron man even at times seemed more powerful than those with actual mystic powers so you can imagine my willingness to be Iron man.

Thank you.

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