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RE: Fehlendes Zeitmanagement?

in Deutsch Unplugged4 months ago

Why is that? Is the need not really there?

I am forgetful and inattentive. These two traits have been inherent in me since childhood and strongly influence my time management. When the company I'm currently working for was booming, I had more tasks than I could handle. I tried desperately to organize myself with a to-do list, but it didn't work for me. I kept forgetting to update it, so it was useless 😁.

 4 months ago (edited)

I am forgetful and inattentive.

You've been able to hide that well so far :-) Or does the Steem help you with this? A to-do list on the blockchain would also be a nice application. However, there are already more lightweight apps for this...

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