Healthy Eyes, Healthy Vision (Tips For Protection of Eyes)

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year

Hello everyone.

Welcome to this post. I hope that all of you will be doing well and enjoying the time. Today, I am here to discuss a very important topic with all of you friends. The topic that I am going to explore today is Healthy Eyes, Healthy Vision. So, let's start the discussion without any wastage of time.


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We all know that the eyes are the most important part of our body and they are the most sensitive part of the body. We can imagine the sensitivity of the eyes from the fact that we always try to cover our eyes whenever we have to face any external stress or pressure.

It is just because of our eyes that we are able to carry out our normal daily activities in a smooth way. Only those individuals can realize the real worth of eyes and vision who are blind or have defected eyes. We cannot even imagine living without our eyes for even a single day.


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So, it is very much important to keep the care of our eyes properly to avoid any big problems with our eyes. Today, I am going to discuss some important tips for the maintenance of the health of our eyes. So, have a look at the below tips.

  • Healthy Diet:

The first and the most important thing that is very much important to maintain the health of our eyes is the proper diet. We all know that diet plays a very important role in every body function. So, it is also very much important for eyes care. A diet that includes the vitamins like A, E, and C is very much important to maintain the health of our eyes. That's why most eye specialists recommend foods that are rich in vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. That's why green vegetables, fish and citrus fruits are recommended diet for eye patients.

  • Eye Protection Glasses:

The use of eye protection glasses is also very much important. Sunglasses are also very much important whenever we went outside. The protection of our eyes from ultraviolet and other harmful rays is very much important so sunglasses play a vital role in this regard. It can protect against many eye problems. Moreover, the mechanics and other workers who have to face different reactions with naked eyes are recommended to use protective glasses.

  • Spending time in Nature:

Another thing that is very much important for the maintenance of the eye's health is that we should spend some time watching the greenery and nature. It is always recommended by every health specialist that we should spend some time in nature and observe different things like the flowing water, the fresh and green leaves or fields, the fresh air is also very much beneficial for our overall health.

  • Hygienic Measures:

Hygienic measures can also play a very important role in the protection of our eyes from various disorders and issues. There are different infections that are caused by the non-hygienic environment around us. Also, we should always try that we don't touch our eyes without washing our hands properly. There are various germs that could be transferred to our eyes by touching them. Also, we should avoid rubbing of eyes hard.

  • Stop Smoking:

One of the most common reasons behind the eye problems like cataracts and muscular degeneration is smoking. Smoking is a very dangerous thing for our overall health including mental as well as physical health. There are various harmful chemicals that are present in the smoke and they can affect the eyes. So, we should avoid smoking in order to maintain the health of our eyes.

  • Regular Breaks From Screens:

One of the most important causes of the weakness of our eyes nowadays is the overuse of technology and spending hours in front of the screens of different devices. For the maintenance of eye health, it is very much important to take regular breaks from the screens of our mobile phones, laptops, or other devices. It is a tip that is recommended by many eye specialists that we must take a 20-second break after every 20 minutes and during that break, we should see far objects at a distance of around 20 feet.

So, these are some important tips that can help us the maintenance of eye health. I hope that this article will help you to understand many new things and new health tips. Stay tuned for more healthcare articles.



চোখ আমাদের শরিলের অনেক ছোট এবং গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংগ। এটি আমাদের জন্য কতটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তা চোখ বন্ধ করে কোন কাজ করতে গেলে বোঝা যাবে।
অনেক কিছু যান্তে পারলাম আপনার পোস্ট এর মাধ্যমে। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল বন্ধু।

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