Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 2: My Traditional MedicinesteemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago (edited)

Background Image Edited with Photo College

Hi guys,
It is the second week of the engagement challenge for season 8 and I'm delighted to present my entry for the contest of the week. Today I make my entry number 7 which is the last for the week on the topic titled My Traditional Medicine. It is indeed a great honour on my part to share mine with the steemit community my traditional medicine.

Everyone all over the world has seen or possibly tested a traditional medicine before. Even if you haven't tested it before, you may have seen it or know the ingredient used to prepare it. My case is no different. When I was still a child, I lived with my parents in the village and every month traditional medicine is prepared for us all to take and that has helped to keep sickness far away from us even till this moment.


What are the names of traditional medicines in your country that you know?


There are many traditional medicines in my country but for the sake of this contest today, I will be talking briefly about the ones I'm familiar with and they are;

  • Gbogbonise
  • Aboniki
  • Agbo Gidi
Gbogbonise: This is one of the most effective traditional medicine in my country Nigeria and I believe almost everyone in one way or another other may have taken it either as a child or as an adult. Gbogbonise is made from combinations of various leaves including lemongrass, mango leaves, guava leaves, lime and moringa leaves.

Gbogbonise is used for the treatment of viral disease that transmits from one person to another Examples include chicken pox, smallpox etc. When children are growing up, you cant restrict much of their movement hence they come back most times with different illnesses that they easily transmit to others and to keep ourselves healthy, we take the Gbogbonise.

Aboniki: This is another important traditional medicine in my country. This is made from the roots of different plants such as moringa, mango, orange and many more. The back or root of these trees are cut and dried and after which they are grinded and mixed and then added little water during application.

It is majorly designed as a pain relief medicine. When someone breaks their leg or hand, they use it to draw and straighten the broken part. If you have any swollen parts in your body, you can also apply them to ease the pain and take away the swollen part.

Agbo Gidi: These are the commonly used ones today here in my country. It is majorly used for the treatment of typhoid and malaria. It involves leaves like moringa, lemongrass, mango leaves and guava leaves. This is a very effective traditional medicine because it works instantly.


Please share with us a traditional medicine recipe that you know, then write down the steps for making it.


Agbo Gidi is the traditional medicine that I still prepare once every month to this very moment. Malaria and typhoid are common illnesses here in Nigeria hence to prevent myself from getting such sicknesses I always prepare the Agbo Gidi every month and take it for at least 3 days.

Preparing it is very simple and I will be showing us the procedure below.

Step 1: Get your leaves ready I.e mango leaves, moringa leaves, guava leaves and lemongrass as seen in the image below.


Step 2: Wash them thoroughly and change the water about 2-3 times.


Step 3: Put it in a very clean pot and then heat it for about 15-20 minutes. Please it shouldn't extend more than this time.


Step 4: After heating it for 15-20 minutes, fetch a little in a very clean cup as you can see in the image below and take it when it is at room temperature.



What are the uses (benefits) of these traditional medicines?


The major benefit of Agbo Gidi is that it helps to cure or prevent or fight typhoid and malaria in the body. It helps to strengthen your immune system to be able to attack any external factor coming into the body.

Research has shown that those who take this traditional medicine I.e the Agbo Gidi hardly get sick. I'm leaving testimony to that regard. As I have said earlier, I take it at least. 3 times every month and that has helped me not to get sick easily.


Are there any negative effects from it? If so, please state anything!


To the best of my knowledge, I don't think there is any negative effect on traditional medicine. The only thing is that the medicine is very bitter and once you take it, you want to hear the test of anything for the next 24 hours. Anything you eat after taking the medicine won't give you any test. It is always advisable to take it at night before sleeping.


At the end of the discussion, share your selfie with the traditional medicine you made.



From the image above, you can see me taking the traditional medicine which I prepared myself. It is not something sweet but it works very effectively and that is the reason I like it. If you are battling malaria and typhoid, you may want to give this solution of mine a trial.




Traditional medicine as we all know was the very first thing we were taken before the coming of other forms of medicine. Traditional medicine one the years has proven to be very effective and that is the reason why till this moment I still take this medicine. You may want to try it in your respective houses. I want to finally invite @stef1, @wilmer1988, @lhorgic and @malikusman1 to present their entry if they have not done that.


Saludos amigo @simonnwigwe que bueno que nos compartas esa informacion tan importante como es el conocimiento de las plantas medicinales y sus bendiciones, te deseo mucha suerte y éxitos.

Thanks my friend.

Tanaman herbal.memang kaya manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh asalkan kita tau cara meraciknya.. sukses untuk kontesnya teman..
Aku penasaran dengan rasa air minuman herbal itu hehe..

Las medicinas tradicionales son muy buenas amigo y pienso igual que tú qué no traen ningún efecto que nos pueda hacer daño todo lo contrario trae mejoría para nuestro organismos y más cuando se trata de dolores en el cuerpo y malestar de gripe. Gracias por la invitación.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 2 years ago 

@simonnwigwe thank you for sharing traditional medicine, Agbo Gidi as you described you prepared after every month due to malaria anx typhoid fever, you found it very effective. Of course these natural ingredients worked more effectively. Hopefully this traditional medicine can be useful for others steemian fellows.
Best of kuck

 2 years ago 

Qué valiosa información nos compartes con esta combinación de hierbas medicinales mucha suerte y felicidades

Amigo que genial medicina tradicional para tratar la fiebre tifoidea y malaria, es una buena alternativa al alcance de todos.
Siempre las medicinas naturaes son las mejores.
Le deseo exito y bendiciones.

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