SECS 8 Week 6: How do I want to grow old

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago

Growing old... designed with Canva


Dear Mom and Dad, I opened my eyes healthy with a perfect body and mind although I had to find out that with each second I am getting older. I am your daughter and also your firstborn.
I am learning that soon I will have to learn to listen to you and to be my own person. For now, I will just enjoy your loving arms.
How I pray that I can be healthy and full of love when I grow older.


Dear Mom and Dad, today I am one hand old. I am 5!
I know that Mom tells me that I am full of life, and a little terror, but this is who I am. I have learned to skip, jump, and ride my bicycle without safety wheels. A daredevil that is me.
This is also how I want to be, full of life and energetic, when I grow older.


Dear Mom and Dad, your “tween” is now getting older. Today I can hold both my hands in the air. I am 10!
I know you might feel that I am still a crybaby but soon my tears will be less as puberty is knocking at my door. Sorry for giving you a hard time. Did I tell you that boys are yucky?
I promise to follow the beliefs of our family as I grow older.


Dear Mom and Dad, today I have reached a milestone in my life. I am 15!
I am a teenager! I praise you for my upbringing. I’ve realized that life is not as easy as I thought and that I have to fight for what I want. I have to work hard if I want to excel in life. "Good things happen to those who don’t give up," these are your words.
I will continue fighting and not let society nor life get me under as I grow older.


Dear Mom and Dad, how often didn’t you tell me “When you are 18.” Well, today is that day. I am 18!
I must admit, I am a bit confused. Am I a youngster, a juvenile, a teeny bopper, a minor, or a young adult? Let’s call me the ladder, a young adult.
Whoop whoop! I can go for my car license and yes, I can go fetch my new car, and I can now vote in our next election.
It sounds so sophisticated and that is how I want to grow older.


Dear Mom and Dad, my life was a roller coaster these last couple of years. I experienced being on my own “making my own bed” as Dad would call it. It was a harsh experience for me being on my own. I’ve learned so much from it. I am 21!
I am now officially an adult.
If you had to ask me how I would have liked to grow up my answer would have been to learn from each new day. To be so much wiser when I grow older.


Dear Mom and Dad, I know that 30 should have been my next milestone entry but I looked forward to turning 37 since I was a tiny little tot. I noticed that we girls had to do the dishes more often. When I asked Mom how old she was she told me 37. I dreamed of the day that I would turn 37 so that I no longer had to wash dishes. I am 37!
Will washing dishes end today? I doubt it very much as I am now a wife, and a mommy of 2 and I have learned that I have new responsibilities. Responsibilities, a word I knew nothing about when I lived under your roof. I want to live my life responsibly when I grow old.


Dear Mom and Dad, it’s my birthday! I am 40!
How grateful am I that in today’s time, 40 is still considered to be a young age.
How grateful am I that both of you could celebrate this number with me.
How grateful am I for the upbringing you gave me.
How grateful am I that I have my own family.
How grateful am I that I am experiencing success.
How grateful am I for every opportunity God gives me.
Grateful I want to be when I grow older.


Dear Mom, today all the birthday candles could not fit on my cake. It is the big 50!
How I wish that Dad was with us today.
I remember those special hugs we got on our birthday even though Dad was not a hugging person.
I remember him sitting all quietly in his chair watching us at our birthday parties.
I remember him driving with me on the day I turned 18 to get my new car.
Memories, I want to build memories with each day as I grow older.


My dearest mother, who knows if I will be able to share my next milestone, 60 years, with you. I doubt it very much.
There are still a few years left to get to 60 but life is catching up with us even though we do everything from our side to live as long as possible. We stay active, we watch what we eat, we take our medicine like clockwork every day, we visit our doctors regularly, we go for those fearful tests and yes, we even take those dreadful flu injections every year.

I don’t know about you but I am a bit scared. I’m not scared of getting another road mapped on my face or another finger with arthritis, not to mention the grey hair. I am not scared of adapting my lifestyle and I am also not scared of dying.

I am scared of the unknown. I now understand what Granny meant when she said the last thing she wanted was to grow old and have her grandchildren laughing at her for losing her mind and her dignity. I am scared of pain and suffering like what Dad went through. I am scared of the challenges that might come my way. Most of all, I am scared of loneliness.

All that is left for me now is to age gracefully just like you and to continue to believe. You, a daughter, a sister, a mother, a grandmother, and a great-grandmother who always cared about others while believing in yourself. A woman who lived in the spirit of the day making the right decisions. A true lady who always looked the best, a showcase for her family. A person who to date stayed confident no matter what. A hardworking showstopper!

May I be just like you, my dear mom, when I grow older.


I invite:

And those who invited me;

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 2 years ago 

Wow! What a beautiful piece of writing! It feels like a long poem which started with cuteness and on a happy note, and then it progressed to tell the tale of a woman and her struggle without giving much info. And then the mood slowly glided to a note of sadness with you imagining yourself in your sixties, but at the very end you lifted up the mood as you wanted to be like your mother. I also want to be like my mother in many ways. So it felt so warm and close to my heart at the end. Enjoyed reading it.

 last year 

Awh, thank you for stopping by, the engagement, and your kind words.
I'm so glad you good sense what I was trying to do.
Growing old can be a lot of things but in the end, it all depends on how we are going to handle it. Let's lift our heads and live our lives like our mothers, with dignity and grace!
Happy Easter! 🐣

 last year 

Yes, everything depends on our attitude and how we handle things.
Let's make our mothers proud and happy Easter to you too!

 last year (edited)

Thank you!🎕

 2 years ago 

Wow! What a beautiful journey you have made through your life. I love the tribute you give to your parents and yourself for what you learned because of them.

I wish you a long life and an old age with dignity, joy and hope rooted in your faith.

I was captivated by your reflections.

God bless you always.

 last year 

Thank you for the kind words and yes, for the visit!
It is comments like this that keeps us posting.

Thank you for your kind wishes. It is only our faith that can pull us through testing times like growing old.

Thank you, blessings to you also.
May the beauty of God's love be with you and your family as you celebrate this Easter.

 last year 

Thank you for your good wishes.

 last year 

Saludos mi estimada amiga.

Una interesante y original participación, mostrando el proceso de las etapas de la vida de una persona, en este caso de una mujer trabajadora, aguerrida, amada qué más puedo decir? así es la vida!!!

Los años dorados deben ser así: dorados para todas las personas, desafortunadamente la vida nos hace ciertas jugadas con nuestra salud, nuestro estilo de vida, nuestros sentimientos y emociones enmarcados en un solo ser y que se va reflejando con el pasar del tiempo.

Me encantó tu participación, te envío muchas bendiciones y éxitos. Gracias por compartir con nosotros.

 last year 

You are right, our latter years should be golden years.
We deserve for them to be like that but unfortunately life is never straight and narrow. There is always a curve ball or two.
It is however how we prepare for growing old that counts and which will make us handle those curve balls better.

Thank you for your visit and the beautiful words!

Muy bonita tu entrada, de verdad tiene mucho significado, tu mamá a de estar orgullosa, eres buena hija y estas muy agradecida con tu madre.

Felicidades excelente post

 last year 

Hello, my friend!

It's been a while since I last met you here on Steemit.
I hope that life has been treating you well.

Thank you for your visit and the beautiful comment. It is appreciated. My mom will love it to hear that you say I was a good daughter. I'm sure she will agree with you. I only gave her one or maybe two gray hairs. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Enjoy Easter with your family 🐣

He estado bien, no me he ido de steemit solo que la maestra manda muchas tareas, pero ahora que estoy libre, estoy por acá. Saludos

 last year 

Welcome back!
You are right school work should come first.
Nobody will hold it against you if you write now and a again just to catch up in the holidays. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Hello @patjewel beloved mother.. You always have many ways to teach us about many things. Today I see from your hand painting how do old age should be lived in the future. You always have a special place in our hearts.. Before you won this contest, you were already at the finish line in my heart, through ink from your beautiful fingers, you are not only a mother, but also a teacher..nothing is more interesting here besides reading and studying every strand of words that you write in the verses of love, you always present endless inspiration.
always healthy mother 💪💪😊

 last year 

My dearest child,

It is with great pleasure that I read your letter today.

Nothing gives me greater fulfillment if I can set an example and in the process also teaching others. Just remember, we are all unique in our own way. That is how our Heavenly Father intended for it to be.

As they will say, growing old ain't for sissies. The best we can do is to embrace every moment living it with joy, thankfulness, and dignity. I do not doubt that this is exactly what you are doing.

With all my love
Your dear Steemit mother 🐣

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We are the hope!

 2 years ago 


People who enjoy their whole life also enjoy their old age and those who do not take care of their health on the contrary, they always visit doctors in their old age. You have chosen the best post. Exercise daily. Early morning walk should be made as a routine and fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed. Those who do not take special care of this matter go.....)

 last year 

That is so true! If you have enjoyed your life growing old will not matter to you at all.
Sometimes the answers is right under our noses. We just need to open our eyes and be thankful.
You have mentioned exercising and eating correctly. I agree with you, it should be part of us growing older.
PS: Thanks for the reading my post and the engagement. It is appreciated! 🍓

Tick…..tick..…tick..…tick…. ⏰
Like your mother, you will definitely shine as brightly as a moon in the sky for a very long time. Long life, my beloved friend.

 last year 

Awh such nice words. Thank you my friend!
You have made my day with your beautiful words.
Thank you for the visit.
Happy Easter! 🐣

Same to you my friend. 🌻

 last year 

Thank you! 🎕

Such beautiful memories down the lane. My favourite picture is when you were 21. So much class and grace.

 last year (edited)

Awh thank you!
What a mission this post was.

  1. I had to dig deep to find the photos
  2. I had to get past hubby to share it

Now I can sit back and say... It is done!
My favorite is the 3rd photo. Me as a flower girl at my cousins wedding. Something girls dream of.

I will be visiting your blog now to see if you got to that editing or not. Yip, checking up on you (•ิ‿•ิ)

I can see the effort that went behind this post.

All pictures are great. The 3rd is so cute - charming little girl.

P.S. I've published just now. 🥴

 last year 

And you my friend got post (•ิ‿•ิ)

Such a nice right up,good luck in the contest.

 last year 

Thanks for the visit, the engagement, and the good wishes!
It is appreciated!
Happy Easter! 🐣

Thank mam,my regards to everyone over there,have a wonderful weekend.

 last year 

Thank you!

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