Steemit Health Contest #11: Mental Health

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago

Greetings my fellow steemians and welcome to my post. Hope the new year is going perfectly smooth?
It's another beautiful day and I'm greatful to see the sun rise.



I could've made an entry for this contest yesterday, my health status depreciated as I was having runny nose that gave me serious headache and I could not look at my phone's light. Today, I've recovered to a certain extent, and I am here again to join in the contest organized by sir/ma @nadiaturrina.
To me, this is one of the best contest throughout my stay in steemit because I see mental health as a very very important topic of discussion. All thanks to sir/ma @nadiaturrina for this wonderful contest.

Key words:

Central Nervous System = CNS

Stimulation: To make a particular/targeted body part carryout a function

Impulse: minor electrical messages transferred by the CNS to a body part and from a body part to the CNS

Cephalo pelvic disproportion: the head of a baby is bigger than the pelvic floor of the mother

Ischial spines: two bones at the base of the pelvis. It is prominent in males (android pelvis) but is smooth in female pelvis (gynecoid pelvis)

However, according to @nadiaturrina,

Mental health is greatly affected by events in the past that have had a negative effect on a person. It could be childhood bullying, domestic violence, child abuse, or long-term severe stress.
Everyone has their style and way of managing mental health. As We know that good mental health will make life more focused, calm, and of good quality. It will guide us to think positively, not complain about circumstances, and have a calm soul.

There's is no doubt, mental health has affected a wide range of people in this beautiful planet, and it is still affecting people. There are diverse causes of mental health, ranging from childbirth to societal impact on the life of an individual.

To me, this contest encompasses just a contest, but it is a means of health education to everyone out there, However, on this note, I'm requesting for a permission by the organizer of this contest to add this entry as a link to my steemitfirstaid post. (Thank you in advance).

Mental health is a very important aspect of health and is the determinant of the survival of the entire body. One cannot talk about mental health and forget about the Central Nervous System. On that note, let's take a very brief look on how the brain function.

When I was in Secondary school, also called Grade 11 or 12( I don't really know though) my Biology teacher use to tell me that the Central Nervous System(CNS) is like the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the body. However, growing up to be a medical student, I found that it is very much true, because the brain is the main component of the body.
The brain is in charge of almost everything that happens within the body, it is in charge of:

  1. Stimulations (in lay man terms; I charge of movements of the hands, legs, opening of the mouth, chewing, and every other thing) by sending impulses to the appropriate sites to carry out a particular function.. for e.g when a person wants to chew, the CNS sends an impulse for the digestive system to open its mouth and chew, telling it that there's an incoming food.

  2. The central Nervous System is responsible for hormonal release. E.g the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine when an individual is scared, to aid reaction.

  3. Interpreting the images seen by the eye(optic nerve), interpreting smell (olfactory nerve) e.t.c

These however are the basics when it comes t mental health, because the CNS what is referred to when we talk about mental health.


There are many things that causes mental health disorders, ranging from childbirth, to society, but one of the major and common cause of mental health is the society. Surprised yeah? Keep calm, I'll explain this fact but before that, let's look at some other causes.

Other causes of mental health includes:

  1. Childbirth: I know it's a kind of surprising to see childbirth as cause of mental health, but lemme explain. Childbearing can lead to mental health in both the mother and her baby.

In the mother, it is called pueperal psychosis. This rare condition is a mental condition that presents with variety of clinical manifestations. Mother's in this condition presents with depressive disorder and sometimes, they tend to harm their babies. It is seen in mothers who have a history of mental illness, or in mothers who deliver their babies at an old age.


In babies, it is as rare as that of mother's but it is mainly caused by accidents of the medical practitioners. For example, if there is Cephalo pelvic disproportion with the head of the baby already pressing on the ischial spines, there may be injury to the head of the baby, which will lead to damage to some part of the brain and ultimately mental illness.

  1. Injury to the brain: when there is a mechanical or chemical injury to the brain, the brain will malfunction leading to mental illness. For example, if an individual is hit by a vehicle, and their head forcefully hits the floor, the impact may cause injury to the brain.

  2. Drugs Abuse: This is one of the most leading cause of mental illness, and it is caused by the abuse of some drugs. Any type of drug can be abused, even paracetamol.

  3. Family and society: the family and the society at large play a very big maintaining the mental health of an individual. For example, if a person lives in a family where the father beats his mother, his brothers do drugs and live insightful life, the person will be influenced by his family to start doing those things, thereby endangering his mental health.

The society can influence a person's mental health, for example, if a person lives in a place where everyone smokes, drinks and do all sought of unhealthy things, they'll tend to endulge in the unsafe practice which will lead to mental illness.

Managing mental health is required if an individual wants to maintain a good and healthy life.

The following ways could be used t manage and maintain a good mental health.

  1. Read educative books:

Reading serves as an exercise for the brain, and exercise is very important to the brain in other t keep it active and alert at all times.

  1. Eat good food: Good foods comprising of well balanced diet (six classes of food) is important to meet the nutritional requirements of the brain.

  2. Say no to drug abuse: All medications should be taken as prescribed by the physician. Drugs not only cause mental health issues, but can also cause medical issues.

  3. Medical aid: go for medical checkups, and seek medical aid if you notice any signs of mental illness.

That'll be all for this post, I hope you enjoyed reading through it?
Thank you for stopping by, it means a lot to me.

I am inviting @jueco @fredquantum and @ijelady to join in the contest.

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