Steemit Engagement Challenge Season8 Week1: My learning during the pandemic

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago (edited)


Greetings gorgeous people of STEEMIT HEALTH community! I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Today, I am excited to share my First entry for the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 1. This challenge has been an wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow Steemians and engage with their quality content.

It's been a pleasure to read and comment on their equality posts , and I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from their posts in the season . I'm looking forward to continuing to engage with the users and discovering even more amazing content and valuable thoughts of them .



What do you consider to be the main lesson you learned from the pandemic?

The COVID-19 has come across with a number of important lessons that we can apply on lives. One of the most important of these is the need to practice good habits, and using hand sanitizer, washing our hands frequently, and wearing face masks to help prevent the spread of the virus and dust .

These simple acts can make a significant difference in reducing the risk of transmission, and can help protect ourselves and others not only virus but others diseases . By adopting these habits as part of our regular routines, we can continue to stay safe and healthy during these challenging times if might come again .


Did you have any loss of family or friends because of the pandemic? Can you tell us about it?

The pandemic has claimed countless lives around our eyes , leaving many families devastated. Despite the overwhelming losses experienced so many, my family has been fortunate enough to remain safe. While we are deeply grateful for this, we acknowledge the immense pain and suffering felt by those who have not been as good fortunate like us .

It is most important to continue supporting and advocating for measures public health and safety , so in that way we may prevent further tragedy and help those affected by this ongoing crisis.


What was the most difficult moment during the pandemic?

Pandemic in Pakistan, the most challenging aspect was the government-imposed lockdown in country , which severely limited people's ability to earn a livehood in this tough time . Adding to the struggle was the issue of inflation in country , which made it difficult for people to afford basic necessities of life . With limited opportunities for income for masses , many people were left in a precarious financial situation in country , struggling to make ends meet.

These circumstances created a difficult situation for individuals and families across the country, highlighting the need for support and resources to help those most impacted by the pandemic and its economic fallout.


After all that process, do you value your health more?

Since the pandemic ended , I have been taking better care of myself even more better . I am mindful of what I eat and try to choose foods that provide me energy . Additionally, I continue to wear a face mask to protect myself and others from potential exposure to the virus not only me but majority of the people .

I believe that these precautions are important even mor after the pandemic has ended . By taking care of myself, I can be healthier and more prepared to face any challenges that come my way any viral disease .


Did the pandemic impact your finances positively or negatively?

The pandemic has highly negatively impacted on our financial resources, but it has also provided an opportunity for me to work harder even more and overcome these challenges. Although the economic downturn, I have been able to push myself to work overtime to make up income .

Although the pandemic has presented many challenges, but it has also taught me the importance of being resourceful and creative in finding solutions to financial problems in that tough situation and future plans . Ultimately, I believe that the skill I have learned during COVID-19 time will serve me well in the future, regardless of what challenges may come my way in future .


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Thank you very much

Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it's time for me to move on. Take care and I hope to see you all again very soon.

Your gorgeous friend Hamad khan

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten

 2 years ago 

Estimado amigo la pandemia afianzó nuestros hábitos de higiene quienes no tenía ese hábito debieron aprenderlo por necesidad y eso en parte es bueno. Y el bloqueo o confinamiento fue lo más desesperante que muchas personas vivieron. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones

Dear friend, the pandemic reinforced the importance of hygiene and some learned it out of necessity. Lockdowns were difficult for many. Wishing you success and blessings.


Hola amigo, la pandemia nos recordó que debemos utilizar las normas de higiene, que tan solo con lavarse las manos se evita esta enfermedad.

thank you for feedback , pandemic reminded us that we should use hygiene standards, and simply washing hands can prevent this bloody disease .

 2 years ago (edited)

The time period of COVID-19 given a very good lessons to all of us and it was really tough time for everyone. Thanks dear for sharing your valuable post on this topic. Wish you best of luck dear.

Dear @artist1111, Thank you for sharing your insights on the lessons learned from the pandemic. It's encouraging to see how you have taken steps to prioritize your health and well-being, even after the pandemic has ended. I'm glad to hear that your family has remained safe during these challenging times. Your determination to overcome financial challenges and be resourceful is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and perspective with us.

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the opportunity to share my experiences and hope they can be helpful to others.

It's very good and important that you develop the habit of hygiene in yourself because either you are living in a pandemic or you are healthy when you don't keep yourself clean then you can become victim of any disease at any time.

We should value to our health in every case and in every situation. Our immunity should be our first priority and we should keep ourselves clean first and then improves our diet containing a lot of essential vitamins minerals and fibres that makes us healthy and makes our immunity stronger and it is good that you develop good eating habits in yourself after the pandemic and you realisees the importance of health.

Just like you I also faces a lot of crisis in my finances and are strong decline in my earning during and after the pentagonic and still I am working very hard for achieving my previous situation and soon I will be successful in this I am hopeful and praying to Allah.

Absolutely agree, hygiene and health should be our top priority at all the times. Improving our diet and building a strong immunity can go a long way in keeping us veey healthy. Wishing you the best in your financial recovery and may your hard work pay off soon dear .

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