Some Things We Should Pay Attention to When Drinking Tea
Just like vitamin C which can support the absorption of iron from plants, there are also those that can block the absorption of iron. Well, tea can block the absorption of iron, even though iron is very much needed to distribute oxygen into the blood. If there is a lack of iron, the effects are weakness, lethargy and decreased body immunity. The cause is the polyphenol substance in tea. Black tea, herbal tea and coffee also also have a substance called polyphenol, do you know which one has the most polyphenols?
Yes, the black tea that we often drink has polyphenols that bind iron from foods based on names such as vegetables.
Have you ever felt like your neck or stomach is burning after eating? If old advertisements call it like being stitched, that's called acid reflux. Usually the cause is fatty foods or it can also be because of spicy foods to acidic foods like oranges and similar fruits.
Moreover, it is actually not good to eat oranges within an hour before or after drinking milk, because the protein in milk will coagulate if it meets the acid in oranges. This protein collection occurs in the stomach and will interfere with digestion and absorption of milk in the body and again, it's not just oranges that are not good to mix with milk, there are other fruits too. This is the most dangerous.
There are deadlines that like to force themselves to wake up all day and like to drink coffee, be careful not to be so tired that you drink energy drinks too. Apart from the fact that energy drinks are dangerous because of their very high caffeine content, the sugar content is also no less dangerous, especially if drunk with coffee or in a period of time that is not too far away. Because it is known that a teenager in America died of heart failure after drinking coffee, energy drinks and also a glass of soda in a short period of time.
Although caffeine has different effects on each person and coffee itself is a healthy drink plus it can help focus if consumed, always be careful and wise if you consume caffeine.
There are several things that we must pay attention to. The first is mainly the level or content of nutrients in each of these food substances, that in each food there is a dominant nutrient content in it. Well, when dominant meets dominant, of course this will have a dangerous effect on the body.
So, the first thing we look at is whether this one food ingredient is sugar, then it cannot be combined with food that is also dominantly sugar. Because this will cause excess, so we see from there.
Well, the second thing we must pay attention to is the interactive nutrients in the food ingredients that in the interaction there are those that can strengthen the function of each nutrient with each other. Let's take an example of someone consuming nuts for example with the aim of getting a source of calcium and iron, then it should be consumed together with fruits that have a high vitamin C content because.
Because this vitamin C can strengthen or increase the absorption of iron and nuts, and then we have to see that each of these foods can cause the effects of excess of certain nutrients. For example, someone consumes foods that are rich in carbohydrates or rich in fat, then this can minimize the effects of excess carbohydrates by eating high fiber. So when consumed with various high fibers, the effects of the excess are smaller.
Thus, hopefully useful.
Greetings always compact.
By @midiagam