Strong Feeling In The Heart
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From deep feelings I had to make sacrifices, burying feelings into the ocean
Your jealousy is endless, but my love is sincere and holy.
Turn away dear from a fate that has no owner.
I will travel
Carrying a lonely heart.
It's not that I don't love
But we can't be together, because I don't have anything.
If I have love, it won't make you happy, because I don't have gold and jewels to attract attention.
Don't be sorry, love
We once met and developed a feeling of love.
I am weak because of wealth
Because love is meaningless without jewels.
You're not the only one who's miserable
I am much more tormented, because our assets are separated
You don't need to remember the feeling anymore
Consider this just a sweet dream
So that you don't get mentally ill, you don't languish
I'm sincere
My heart took the pain away.
Greetings always compact.
By @midiagam
Please clear about your post, I think you first write with AI in your mother-tongue and then translated into english, maximum time your post i translate into Indonesian then check and find that its AI generated, clear about it.
Okay, I'll check it again. Thanks for the suggestion.
Now I have replaced it with a new post. Sorry, earlier google translate had a problem, the language I typed was not translated properly, because of the bad internet connection network.
I try to check with zero gpt and find this, will you check it with other indicators? @scrutinize