Indomie snack seasoning

in GLOBAL STEEM3 months ago

Ways to make delicious food
hdnur08 (63)in GLOBAL STEEM •
Jika ingin membuat roti, donat, atau bakpao mengembang, bisa menggunakan ragi kering instan. Ragi yang terkandung di dalamnya merupakan makhluk hidup dari kelompok ragi. Mikroorganisme bersel tunggal inilah yang selama proses fermentasi pada adonan roti mengubah karbohidrat menjadi gas karbon dioksida. Dan ini tidak bisa digunakan untuk membuat kue.


Terkadang dalam membuat kue membutuhkan kuning telur agar kue terlihat mengkilat. Nah, sahabat global Steem bisa memanfaatkan sebagai pengganti kuning telur. Hasilnya akan mengkilat seperti menggunakan telur asli.

Tadi saya sudah menyinggung ya kalau kita membuat kue, kita tidak asal-asalan saja yang membuatnya. Kadang kita sudah menggunakan semua bahan sesuai resep, tapi kuenya tidak kunjung mengembang. Menurut Anda apa penyebabnya?

Banyak faktornya, pertama ovennya, ovennya kurang cocok. Kedua, penggunaan tepung terigu, proteinnya tidak cukup, garamnya juga terlalu banyak. Lalu proses mengocok bahan, mengocok telur kurang tepat. Itu sebabnya adonan roti tidak mengembang saat dipanggang atau menjadi lengket.

conditions of my life. I work as a builder, I build houses. I've been doing this for 10 years of work experience. The improvised buildings I worked on 10 years ago cannot be compared to what they are now.
Before and after I improve my skills because every day I change my skills to something different. Learn new techniques and improve yourself to produce the latest motifs that are better and better in terms of models and designs. I can say with no twist that I have improved my skills in the field of work now than ever before.
Besides, Careers like me have really stepped up. I am a worker by profession that I do. I have 10 years of work experience, the knowledge I got from school is very valuable which I got in is not the same as the knowledge I have now.


I have added more knowledge in my 10 years experience in teaching field. The old me is not the same person now. Professional knowledge, professional education and career building. All this I have changed and improved myself in many ways.
What's more, there are changes in tastes in fashion. Especially hairdo. For me at first I like to lengthen the hair in my hair. Sometimes I have to change, now I prefer to be bald because my scalp can feel cold and feel cool.
Before I always had my hair long, but now I only wear a cap to avoid stress when going out in the hot sun. Going to the salon for hair styling, whenever I go out, I just put my cap on and go when I come back home, I take it off and hang it somewhere for use anytime. Also more for quality that can be used longer than before. At first I chose the easier one if there was less capital to buy combs.


In short, all life is a process that undergoes change or transformation over time in human beings, from the worst to the better or from the better to the worst. All of these are lives that experience stages that can be positive or negative.
Greetings to
Signed @hdnur08
about me


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