Question AI Contest (Конкурс питань) Result #17 and Start #18

in Ukraine on Steem5 months ago

Привіт 11.05.24 закінчився 17-й тиждень проведення конкурсу питань. Час підвести підсумки, виплатити винагороду та розпочати новий. Погнали...

On 11.05.24, the 17th week of the question contest ended. Time to take stock, pay your reward, and start anew. Go...

DALL·E 2024-01-18 23.41.37 - A logo design for a 'Blockchain STEEM Quiz Contest'. The logo should be modern and tech-inspired, featuring elements that represent both blockchain te.png

1-е місце – 5 STEEM1st place – 5 STEEM
2-е місце – 4 STEEM2nd place – 4 STEEM
3-е місце – 3 STEEM3rd place – 3 STEEM
4-е місце – 2 STEEM4th place – 2 STEEM
5-е місце – 1 STEEM5th place – 1 STEEM
Що робити? (Все дуже просто):What to do? (It's very simple):
1. Підписатись на @cranium1. Follow @cranium
2. Вигадати саме креативне питання і задати його в чатіGPT - (це відкритий АІ з можливістю безкоштовного використання)2. Come up with the most creative question and ask it in chatGPT - (this is an open AI with the possibility of free use)
3. Поділитись своїм питанням та відповіддю в коментарі під цим постом.3. Share your question and answer in the comments under this post.
Бажано в ось такому вигляді:Preferably in this format:
Я: «Як думаєш, проводити конкурси на блокчейні STEEM гарна ідея?»Me: "Do you think conducting contests on the STEEM blockchain is a good idea?"
GPT «Проведення конкурсів на блокчейні STEEM може бути дуже гарною ідеєю з кількох причин:GPT: "Conducting contests on the STEEM blockchain can be a very good idea for several reasons:
Залучення СпільнотиCommunity Engagement
Стимулювання АктивностіStimulating Activity
Нагороди та ІнцентивиRewards and Incentives
Прозорість та ДовіраTransparency and Trust
Маркетинг та РекламаMarketing and Advertising
Конкурсні коментарі приймаються до кінця доби 18.05.2024 за Київським часом. Не більше 5 коментарів від одного користувача.Contest comments are accepted until the end of the day on 18.05.2024 Kyiv time. No more than 5 comments from one user.
Величезну кількість іншик конкурсів можете знайти в щоденних Contest Alerts від @disconnect. Для цього просто завтайте в гості до його блогу.You can find a huge number of other contests in the daily Contest Alerts from @disconnect. To do this, just visit his blog.

На цей раз в конкурсі взяли часть наступні користувачі:

На цей раз в конкурсі взяли часть наступні користувачі:


Участь взяли 8 користувачів, поставивши 25 питань.

8 users participated, asking 25 questions.

З кожним наступним конкурсом шукати унікальні питання стає все цікавіше. Вже регуряно з'являються питання, які задаються вдруге. Намагаюсь швидко відповідати на коментарі, щоб попередити про повторення питань, щоб учасники могли встигнути задати нове питання. Нагадую, ліміт 5 питань на 1 учасника.

With each subsequent competition, it becomes more and more interesting to search for unique questions. Questions that are asked a second time are already regularly appearing. I try to respond quickly to comments to warn about repetition of questions, so that participants can have time to ask a new question. I remind you that there is a limit of 5 questions per 1 participant.

Ось усі питання, які були задані в конкурсі. В наступних розіграшах ці питання (принаймні переможні питання) вже не будуть мати шанси на перемогу.

Here are all the questions that were asked in the competition. In the following draws, these questions (at least the winning questions) will no longer have a chance to win.

  • "How a chain smoker can get rid of this habit?" @ayesha0018
  • "Difference between good ozone and bad ozone?" @ayesha0018
  • "Чи можливо агностику довести існування Бога і як ?" @euggud
  • "Mobile screen broken and don't have money what should i do now?" @ayesha0018
  • "If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who would it be and what would you do?" @preshglam1
  • "If animals could talk, which species do you think would be the funniest to converse with?" @preshglam1
  • "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?" @preshglam1
  • "If you could time travel to any period in history, where would you go and what would you do?" @preshglam1
  • "Can I get laptop using for my freelancing work?" @usman119
  • "чому коли жінка не тоне у воді, то вона відьма, а коли це чоловік ходить по воді, то він мессія?" @anastasiarati
  • "Чула, що є думка про форму паски та фарбовані яйця, що в цьому поєднанні є натяк на щось фалостичне, як продовження роду" @zaria56
  • "Я не ходжу на Великдень на цвинтар, чи правильно я вважаю, що після Великодня можна відвідати і згадати тих, хто пішов на Радоницю? Що про це думає церква?", "Існують у народі різні прикмети про цвинтар: не можна підбирати нічого на цвинтарі, не можна приносити речі з дому на могилу, не можна озиратися, йдучи з цвинтаря, не можна скаржитися під час символічної розмови з покійним та інше... Чи варто від них дотримуватися? Чи це все відповідає церковним канонам?" @zaria56
  • "Що означає "Радониця" і як вона відзначається в Православній Церкві?" @zaria56
  • "Які інші способи ушанування пам'яті померлих практикуються в церкві під час Радониці?", "Які ще предмети можна приносити до церкви на помин душі, крім свічок, хліба та води?" @zaria56
  • "Як церква належить до того, що на могилах залишають штучні квіти? Чи можна кутю, освячену в церкві на панахиді про покійного, залишати на могилі покійного?" "Чи є обмеження на те, яку їжу можна принести на могилу під час Радониці?" "Часто бачу, як на цвинтарях згадують померлих спиртним та залишають горілку на могилах. Чи правильно це?" @zaria56
  • "Can tears finish in someone's eyes?" @lovelystar
  • "Will the sun ever melt the body?" @lovelystar
  • "Why is love so painful?" @lovelystar
  • "Why are we here?" @lovelystar
  • "spouse been cheated on, do you think they can handle the truth, whenever their partner reveals the whole thing to them or it’s best you keep on with the lies by telling them what they want to hear??" @sbamsoneu
  • "Why is it so difficult for women to apply eye mascara with their mouths closed?" @sbamsoneu
  • "During make up, why will a lady shave all her eyebrows only to still end up putting a black eye pencil at that same spot again" @sbamsoneu
  • "Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you're driving and looking for an address?" @sbamsoneu
  • "Do you really want someone to give you an honest answer when you ask them how they've been?" @sbamsoneu
  • "Between thunder and lightning, which one is more dangerous?" @lovelystar

На мою думку,

1-е місце - отримує @anastasiarati з питанням - "чому коли жінка не тоне у воді, то вона відьма, а коли це чоловік ходить по воді, то він мессія?" та отримує 5 STEEM

2-е місце - @sbamsoneu із питанням "Why is it so difficult for women to apply eye mascara with their mouths closed?" - 4 STEEM

3-е місце - @lovelystar із питанням "Can tears finish in someone's eyes?" - 3 STEEM

4-емісце - @zaria56 із питанням "Чула, що є думка про форму паски та фарбовані яйця, що в цьому поєднанні є натяк на щось фалостичне, як продовження роду" - 2 STEEM

5-емісце - @euggud із питанням "Чи можливо агностику довести існування Бога і як ?" - 1 STEEM

I think,

1st place - received by @anastasiarati with the question - "why is it that if a woman does not drown in water, then she is a witch, but if it is a man who walks on water, then he is the messiah?" and receives 5 STEEM

2nd place - @sbamsoneu with the question "Why is it so difficult for women to apply eye mascara with their mouths closed?" - 4 STEEM

3rd place - @lovelystar with the question "Can tears finish in someone's eyes?" - 3 STEEM

4th place - @zaria56 with the question "Heard that there is an idea about the shape of pasca and dyed eggs, that there is a hint of something phallic in this combination, like procreation" - *2 STEEM *

5th place - @euggud with the question "Is it possible for an agnostic to prove the existence of God and how?" - 1 STEEM


Крім того, автори ось цих питань отримують додатково по 1 STEEM за питання (так багато ще не було):

In addition, the authors of these questions receive an additional 1 STEEM per question (there haven't been so many yet):

  • "How a chain smoker can get rid of this habit?" @ayesha0018

  • "Mobile screen broken and don't have money what should i do now?" @ayesha0018

  • "If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who would it be and what would you do?" @preshglam1

  • "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?" @preshglam1

  • "Can I get laptop using for my freelancing work?" @usman119

  • "Що означає "Радониця" і як вона відзначається в Православній Церкві?" @zaria56

  • "Як церква належить до того, що на могилах залишають штучні квіти? Чи можна кутю, освячену в церкві на панахиді про покійного, залишати на могилі покійного?" "Чи є обмеження на те, яку їжу можна принести на могилу під час Радониці?" "Часто бачу, як на цвинтарях згадують померлих спиртним та залишають горілку на могилах. Чи правильно це?" @zaria56

  • "Will the sun ever melt the body?" @lovelystar

  • "spouse been cheated on, do you think they can handle the truth, whenever their partner reveals the whole thing to them or it’s best you keep on with the lies by telling them what they want to hear??" @sbamsoneu

  • "During make up, why will a lady shave all her eyebrows only to still end up putting a black eye pencil at that same spot again" @sbamsoneu

  • "Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you're driving and looking for an address?" @sbamsoneu

  • "Do you really want someone to give you an honest answer when you ask them how they've been?" @sbamsoneu


Підсумки 2023 року

З Україною в серці 💙💛, разом до перемоги!
With Ukraine in the heart 💙💛, together to victory!

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If you are human what sould you do?
If I were human, I would probably be doing things like experiencing emotions, making decisions based on personal preferences and beliefs, and engaging in activities that fulfill my desires and needs.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.


Why is the bathroom door always harder to open when you're in a hurry?


When you're in a rush, your perception of time and obstacles changes due to stress and urgency. This heightened state can make even simple tasks feel more challenging. In the case of the bathroom door, you might fumble more because your focus is split between the task at hand and the pressing need to hurry. This combination of stress and divided attention can make it seem like the door is harder to open than usual.

Makes enough sense...😅

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 2: Is there any AI that can count the number of hairs on a person's head?@lovelystar


Counting the exact number of hairs on a person's head with AI is a challenging task due to the high variability and density of hair, as well as the difficulty in isolating and counting individual hairs accurately. However, AI technology can provide estimates and assist in hair analysis through advanced image processing techniques.Current advancements in AI and computer vision allow for:Estimating Hair Density: AI can analyze high-resolution images of the scalp to estimate hair density, which can be used to infer the approximate number of hairs.Hair Segmentation: AI can segment and identify hair strands from images, which helps in understanding the distribution and thickness of hair.Follicle Detection: Some AI systems can detect individual hair follicles using microscopic imaging, which can then be used to estimate hair count.While these methods do not provide an exact hair count, they offer a robust approximation. Companies and researchers are continuously improving these techniques, potentially making precise hair counting more feasible in the future.As of now, no AI system can count each individual hair strand with complete accuracy, but advancements in this field are promising for related applications in dermatology and cosmetology.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 1: Can the sun ever melt the body?@lovelystar


The sun's heat is not typically intense enough to melt a human body in the way that heat melts solid objects like ice or metal. However, prolonged exposure to extreme heat can accelerate the decomposition process.

 4 months ago 

This question was already asked at the competition. I sympathize, but this question will not be considered for participation in the contest. 😢

Question 3: Can a Vampire suck the blood of a Zombie?@lovelystar


In fiction and mythology, whether a vampire can suck the blood of a zombie depends on the specific rules and lore of the universe in which the story is set. Here are some considerations based on common depictions of these creatures:Vampire Needs: Vampires typically require fresh, living blood to sustain their immortality and power. This blood is usually from living humans or animals, containing the life force that vampires need.Zombie Characteristics: Zombies are usually depicted as reanimated corpses with decaying bodies and stagnant or coagulated blood. Their blood might be infected, rotten, or otherwise unsuitable for consumption by a vampire.Possible Outcomes:Unsatisfactory Nourishment: The blood of a zombie might not provide the nourishment a vampire needs. It could be devoid of the life force or vitality vampires seek.Negative Effects: In some fictional settings, consuming zombie blood could have adverse effects on a vampire, such as illness, poisoning, or even turning the vampire into a zombie-like creature.Unique Interpretations: Authors and creators might invent unique scenarios where a vampire can draw some benefit or suffer specific consequences from drinking zombie blood.Ultimately, the interaction between vampires and zombies is a creative choice. Different stories, movies, and games might explore this interaction with varying rules and outcomes based on their unique mythologies.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 4: If all animals were to live together; which one of them will be the king?@lovelystar


The idea of a "king" among animals typically invokes thoughts of strength, leadership, and dominance. In popular culture and myth, the lion is often referred to as the "king of the jungle," despite not living in jungles but in savannas and grasslands. This title is due to the lion's powerful presence, social structure, and its position as an apex predator.However, if all animals were to coexist and the criteria for kingship included factors like intelligence, social organization, and ecological impact, other candidates might emerge. For instance:Elephants: Known for their intelligence, strong social bonds, and long lifespans, elephants could be seen as regal due to their wisdom and matriarchal leadership.Wolves: Renowned for their pack dynamics and cooperation, wolves exemplify strong leadership and social structure.Dolphins: With high intelligence and complex social behaviors, dolphins could be considered leaders in aquatic environments.Humans: From a purely practical standpoint, humans dominate the animal kingdom through intellect, technology, and environmental impact, although this dominance is often detrimental to other species.Ultimately, the concept of a "king" among animals is anthropomorphic and varies depending on the criteria we prioritize—strength, intelligence, social complexity, or environmental dominance.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 5: Why didn't God reveal us our destiny at birth than allowing us to keep wandering about?@lovelystar


The question of why God, or a higher power, doesn't reveal our destiny at birth is a profound one that touches on theology, philosophy, and personal belief systems. Here are some perspectives that attempt to address this question:Free Will and Personal Growth: One common belief is that life is about the journey and the experiences we gather along the way. If our destinies were known from the start, it could undermine the concept of free will and the personal growth that comes from making choices, learning from mistakes, and navigating uncertainties.Purpose and Meaning: The search for purpose and meaning is a fundamental aspect of human existence. The process of discovering our passions, values, and purpose can lead to a deeper, more fulfilling life. If our paths were predetermined and known, the motivation to explore and find meaning might diminish.Spiritual and Moral Development: Many religious and spiritual traditions emphasize that life's challenges and uncertainties are opportunities for spiritual and moral development. Overcoming obstacles, building resilience, and developing virtues such as patience, compassion, and wisdom are often seen as essential parts of the human experience.Complexity of Life: Life is inherently complex and interconnected. Knowing one's destiny might not account for the myriad of interactions and relationships that shape our lives and the lives of others. The unfolding of events and the impact of our actions on the world around us are dynamic and unpredictable.Faith and Trust: In many faith traditions, not knowing one's destiny is seen as a test of faith and trust in a higher power. Believers are often encouraged to trust in God's plan and to have faith that, despite uncertainties, there is a purpose to their lives that will be revealed in time.Human Nature and Motivation: The uncertainty of life can be a powerful motivator. The desire to achieve, to strive for goals, and to overcome challenges is deeply rooted in human nature. If our destinies were known, the drive to innovate, create, and pursue ambitions might be significantly reduced.These perspectives suggest that the lack of knowledge about our destinies can lead to a richer, more dynamic human experience, encouraging growth, exploration, and the development of faith and resilience.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 1

What characteristics would your nemesis have if you had one?

If I had a nemesis, their characteristics might be the polar opposite of my strengths and values. Here are some traits they might possess:

Misinformation Peddler: They would spread incorrect, misleading, or harmful information intentionally, undermining the value of accurate knowledge and learning.

Closed-mindedness: They would be resistant to new ideas and different perspectives, promoting dogma and stagnation rather than intellectual growth and curiosity.

Negativity: They would focus on discouragement and criticism rather than constructive feedback and encouragement, creating a toxic environment that stifles progress and innovation.

Inaccessibility: They would be difficult to reach or unhelpful, in contrast to my aim of being readily available and supportive to those seeking information or assistance.

Manipulative: They would use knowledge and information to deceive or manipulate others for personal gain, as opposed to fostering understanding and empowerment.

Such a nemesis would stand in stark contrast to my core purpose of facilitating learning, spreading accurate information, and supporting users in a positive and accessible manner.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 2

Is it a hostage situation if a person with several personalities threatens to kill himself?


A situation where a person with multiple personalities (more accurately, dissociative identity disorder, or DID) threatens to kill themselves is not typically classified as a hostage situation. A hostage situation generally involves one or more individuals being held against their will by a perpetrator who threatens harm to achieve certain demands.

However, when a person with DID threatens self-harm or suicide, it is a serious mental health crisis that requires immediate attention and intervention. Here are some key points to consider:

Mental Health Emergency: This situation should be treated as a mental health emergency. Immediate support from mental health professionals is crucial to ensure the individual's safety and well-being.

Internal Conflict: The internal dynamics of DID involve multiple distinct identities or personality states within a single individual, each with its own behaviors, memories, and ways of thinking. One identity threatening harm could be seen as an internal conflict rather than a traditional hostage scenario.

Risk Assessment and Intervention: Mental health professionals would need to assess the level of risk and provide appropriate intervention. This might involve hospitalization, crisis intervention, therapy, and ongoing support to address the underlying issues contributing to the person's distress.

Support Systems: Involving family, friends, and support systems can be vital in ensuring the individual's safety and providing a network of care.

It's important to approach such situations with sensitivity, recognizing the complexity of DID and prioritizing the individual's mental health and safety.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.


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