Follow Function - Collapsible Communities Menu - Hive Renaming

I've been using communities for about a week now, and a few things jump to mind, so I wanted to give some initial feedback.

First of all let me say that I'm very happy this has been finally implemented, we've been promised this feature before Steemit was even a year old, and we are almost 4 now, so good stuff!

Collapsing Menus

This for me is a no-brainer. At the moment when I join a community all of the posts automatically form part of my feed, however I believe this is too cluttered and kind of defeats the object of communities in the first place.

What would be great is a homepage menu of my communities, I know that if I click on profile and then communities, after I log in to I get what I'm asking for, however this is too convoluted, I should be able to tab to this immediately, or even have it as default view. If I want to see all of my communities at once, then that should be a choice too.

Follow Function Update

I didn't even notice this one till just now. I went onto a post and made a comment, then, because the post was so good, I wanted to follow the author, however there is no follow button. So I had to find him on the main Steemit site, and then follow through there.

Doing this once was fine, however there were people who'd commented on the post that I wanted to follow as well. This is a ball ache, please bring the follow function back.

Hive Rename

Not sure if this has been brought up as well, however does every community have to have **Was posted in Hive *********?

I get that this is the way communities works under the hood, however it would be nice when I make a post, for it to say posted in Cryptogee Chess rather than Hive and a bunch of numbers.

Okay, that's my 2 cents, hopefully we get these changes...



Good points!

Let me add some more:

  • In the drop down menu where I can choose which posts of a coummunity are shown, I can only find "Trending", "New", "Payouts", "Muted".
    However, I wonder for example, where I can find (often very precious!) OLD posts? I changed the tags of my old chess posts to integrate them into the new community, but currently I cannot see them there.

  • When searching for communities, one should be able to find ALL of them.
    However, @schamangerbert told me one cannot find for example the "Wien Community" (hive-166496). I tested it, and saw he is right!
    So how to search for a certain community? How to display ALL communities?

  • I wonder how to sort the list of the people I follow in an alphabetical order, so that it is easy for example to find certain user names in case one is not completely sure anymore how to spell them?

I changed the tags of my old chess posts to integrate them into the new community, but currently I cannot see them there.

This doesn't work. Hive id tag MUST BE the primary tag, at least until roadscape figures out a solution to deal with other aspects like resteeming or cross-posting, which may require this to be reworked.

Do you want a solution to that? Create an index post in your new community, and add the links to your older posts in there. You can even pin that index post. I do that at SteemHelp.

When searching for communities, one should be able to find ALL of them.

That is true. However, when I checked a few weeks ago there were over 500 Hive communities. Might be close to 1000 now. It's not a good solution to list them all, especially since the number will only grow. This will probably be fixed when search and filters will be introduced. Right now only active communities are displayed. Not sure myself how "activity" is defined, seems to be a combination of number of subscribers and posts / comments from different people. Right now the only way to find a community which isn't listed in "Explore" is through direct link. Then remember to subscribe and it will be in your list.

I wonder how to sort the list of the people I follow in an alphabetical order, so that it is easy for example to find certain user names in case one is not completely sure anymore how to spell them?

About sorting people you follow or followers that's a good suggestion for general interfaces, which list them in the reversed order of follow; you can search or see them ordered from SteemWorld.

Thanks for taking the time to write this long reply!

Hive id tag MUST BE the primary tag ...

I see. However, it's interesting that after changing the tags of some old posts, at first they had actually been displayed in my community, but the next day I didn't see them anymore (and you just gave me the explanation, why).

Create an index post

Thanks for the suggestion!

It's not a good solution to list them all, especially since the number will only grow.

OK, I agree. However I think one should be able to find them via search function using keywords like "chess", "insects" or (like in the case I mentioned) "wien".

About sorting people you follow or followers that's a good suggestion for general interfaces, which list them in the reversed order of follow; you can search or see them ordered from SteemWorld.

Come on, I think that should be an obvious option for, too! :)
Actually, some time (years?) ago, the names in the followers list were still listed in an alphabetical order.

However I think one should be able to find them via search function

Search and / or filters features were promised by roadscape. I see Steempeak already implemented search in their version of Hive communities from the screenshot jarvie shared.

Come on, I think that should be an obvious option for

I agree, and not only for

I think search functions have been a big let down on Steemit from day one, I'm not sure why, as it's not that difficult to code some smart search features in.


 5 years ago 

What would be great is a homepage menu of my communities,

I understand your feedback is in regards to the beta.steemit experience but i'd like to ask if this view style solves a few of your requests from upcoming steempeak view. Or what else would you be looking for?

Yeah, something along those lines would be nice, with maybe a show all button for people who like seeing all posts in a feed.


When do we get to peek inside SteemPeak Hive communities? :)

PS: ...and I have a suggestion. I suppose the avatars are from the "hive-" accounts. If so, I'd use an avatar with more persons inside (like a group) as default, something to symbolize a community, more than one person. Something like this
but keeping the theme already used for default avatars on SteemPeak.

 5 years ago 

cc @asgarth that's a good idea to use a different default profile picture for hive communities that haven't selected an avatar.

 5 years ago 

i suppose if a user wanted to use it they could tell us they're gonna give us a bunch of feedback and we'd give them access. haha

I raise my hand and contacted you on Discord.

Hey @cryptogee! I just found myself back here and was wondering what the Hive+ numbers was! Does this mean that only recently communities has become live? They were talking about that way back when I was on here full time! Curious to hear how you're doing! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey! Long time!

Good to see you back around, I haven't been here too much myself.

Yes communities is finally live, woohoo!! If you go to you can check out all the communities there, and if you have 3 steem, you can start one yourself.

There are still lots of kinks to iron out, but hey, it's a start :-)

How are you doing, still in S.E. Asia?


Wow! About time-- super cool! I can't wait to see how it evolves! Thanks for the intel ;)
I'm great, I have just been on the move a lot and working on a big project so I didn't really have time to write at all but now I'm back in Bali and a bit settled for now so wanted to come back and see what was happening!
How are you? I am tentatively planning to go back to London in July-ish!

Cool, hope the project's doing well. I've been up and down, trying to keep up the writing, pimping a book at the moment.

Hit me up when you come to London this time! :-)


It's doing great or else I would have more time to write ;) Crypto projects are a league of their own, and it's definitely been a exhilarating ride!

What's the book about? I've still got to get around to finishing mine! Can't believe I haven't yet!

I'll definitely let you know, it's a shame I missed you last time!

It's a humorous tome, aimed at new and expectant fathers :-)

Defo hit me up, would be great to show you around, I was showing @ericvancewalton and his wife around last summer, so it's your turn now :-)


That day we met you was one of the highlights of our trip @cryptogee. We appreciated you taking the time to hang out.

It was our pleasure! Hopefully next time you come it is a bit warmer and sunnier!! :-)


Sounds great see you IRL soon! ;)

 5 years ago (edited)

I didn't even notice this one till just now. I went onto a post and made a comment, then, because the post was so good, I wanted to follow the author, however there is no follow button. So I had to find him on the main Steemit site, and then follow through there.

When you click an author's name, you should see an option to follow:

Not sure if this has been brought up as well, however does every community have to have **Was posted in Hive *********?

Is this still an issue?

Yes thank you @roadscape, the follow function has been fixed.

As for the second issue, it seems to be fine on some views, however I've noticed a couple of views yesterday were still displaying the hive number, and of course the url itself is still a hive num.


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