**Belalang Kayu (Valanga nigricornis)**

in Beauty of Creativity3 years ago

Hello everyone and good morning, today i am posting a macro photo of a grasshopper or in the local language "belalang kayu".

This grasshopper is very much found in asia and is a pest to farmers and other productive forests as well as a food for predators in the area. I took this photo in the area of ​​my house in the afternoon.

Grasshopper with a pretty blend of colors.

Ready to jump

Camouflage behind the fungus.

A very sharp and shocking gaze.

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropod
Class : Insecta
Order : Orthoptera
Family : Acrididae
Genus : Valanga
Species : Valanga nigricornis

Thanks for all...

📷 PictureSmartphone
Capture UsingNubia M2 + Lensbong Macro
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationPidie Jaya-Aceh
EditingPhotoshop Express

In my village, this animal called darut. Hehehe

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