BOC:- Photography of blue skies and green landscapes.
How are you all?
Dear Steam blogger brothers and sisters Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you are all doing well. Alhamdulillah, I am also doing well with your prayers and the infinite mercy of the Creator. Today I have come to share a new blog with you. Although I could not share a blog yesterday. Since I had a doctor's appointment. So it was late at night to return home. I was so tired that I was running around all day, it was late to post. So I did not post anymore. Today I thought it would be good to share a post with you. From that thought, I came up with some photography.
Surely you understand what photography I will share today. Today I will share with you photography of a blue sky and a green natural scenery. I like to give you a chance to see a beautiful scene when I find it. Honestly, the nature around us is very beautiful if we can enjoy it very beautifully. If we can appreciate it. To appreciate and enjoy it beautifully, we need to know how to appreciate it. Since this nature was created for us by the Creator. Then we have to be very aware.
Because we live in nature. We have to take care that this nature does not become unsuitable for our habitation. So we have to be aware at all times so that we can maintain a very beautiful nature. Then there will be a wonderful environment for us, a beautiful world. If we look at one thing, we can see that rivers, canals, and seas are full of garbage. Because people neglect these places so much. Due to this neglect, our natural resources are being destroyed.
Especially, there are several sources among our natural resources. There are mountains among our natural resources. There are plains where people can cultivate rice or cultivate various crops. Moreover, there is the sea. The livelihood of thousands of people is centered around this sea. Although earlier people were very dependent on the sea. They used to catch fish from the sea to meet their needs. Moreover, if they got excess fish, they would sell it in the market. In addition, many people move through the sea. Especially goods are carried from one end to the other.
However, many changes have occurred in the present time. Although people still make their livelihood around the sea. But now the livelihood of thousands of people has been created. And people are polluting the rivers and canals so much that everything is becoming unusable. Due to which the environment around us has become a threat to us. We, the people, are the only ones responsible for that. I collected those scenes while going to the river. It is very nice when I travel on the river, I encounter different scenes. Especially when I travel on the river, there is a lot of sun, so my head starts to hurt.
Friends, you can see that I have shared several blue sky photographs today. Along with this, green natural scenery can be seen far away. If we see such beautiful moments, it feels very nice, it feels very nice. I often take photographs of those beautiful moments while traveling. Today, I thought that if I share those beautiful scenes with you, you can also enjoy them.
Sharing the photographs with you from that thought. I hope friends, you will like the blue sky photographs I shared today. You always visit the posts and give me a lot of encouragement. You provide so much encouragement that it is easy to move forward. I will end here by thanking everyone.
Phone Details
Device Name | Wiko,T3 |
Model | W-V770 |
Photographer | @samhunnahar |
Location | Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh |
Category | SKy and Nature Photography |
My Identity

I am Samshun Nahar Hira. My user ID is @samhunnahar. I am connected to you from Cox's Bazar city in Bangladesh. I am a housewife by profession. I also like and love blogging a lot in my free time. I like to cook. Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. I love to do different types of photography. Besides, I love to sing and write poetry. I am more than happy to share my thoughts with everyone through blogging. For that, I love my life community @Beautycreativity.

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Today My Tasks
নীল আকাশ আমার অনেক বেশি পছন্দ। আপনি খুব সুন্দর ভাবে নীল আকাশের ফটোগ্রাফি করেছেন। ফটোগ্রাফি গুলো দেখে অনেক বেশি ভালো লাগলো। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ চমৎকার ফটোগ্রাফি আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করার জন্য।
There is so much depth to your photography that I am lost in my imagination. Thank you for sharing this great photograph of yours.