Those who love cats know the behavior of cats. by. @pijushhossain

in Beauty of Creativity10 months ago

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How can one interpret a cat's behavior?
Cats don't do anything to retaliate. If any of his behaviour appears inconsistent, understand that, as a pet, he is trying to solve the problem with what he knows. Many people like to keep cats, but only some people understand their minds. Many are often confused, from moving things around to various strange sounds and behaviours that need clarification. The inability to understand the reason often makes the beloved animal quite annoying.
This situation is not comfortable for the cat or its owner. To break down this wall of division, you must first understand that cats also have a mind. There is a time of love or affection in their life. And cats have some tricks to make people


understand that. The pet wants you to understand him by watching those tricks pull him close.
And so don't mistake a pet cat for a ferocious stare or defecating outside the litter box. Instead, learn to understand him. Cat behaviour expert Rachel Geller says most owners don't know what their pets need.
A cat doesn't do anything to retaliate, says Geller. If any of his behavior appears inconsistent, understand that as a pet he is trying to solve the problem with what he knows.


Another expert who studies cat behaviour is Anita Kelsey. He also wrote a book called 'Let's Talk About Cats'. Anita says that cats are sympathetic. They seek the favour of people to get help.
Geller says cats have their own 'language' to express what's going on in their minds. The owner should acquire the ability to read that language.
Let's find out what is happening inside the mind of the cat meowing around the house.


Walking around people?
Cats express themselves in different ways. But many times, we don't notice their positive expression.
Jackson Galaxy, a cat behaviour and body expert, says a cat's regal appearance can indicate its positive behaviour. Cats often sit with a kind of regal expression, Galaxy explains. For example, he raised the chest, erected the ears and looked with clear eyes. This means that he then feels ownership of the surrounding area. He can roam freely or lie down in this' free zone'.
According to Anita, another positive sign is when a cat feels relaxed and comfortable being in the same room as you. A cat sitting on your lap or exposing its belly to you is also a sign of comfort. But be careful; do not poke the cat's belly unnecessarily at this time.


Cats mark their favourite territory by smelling like this. Cats can also do this by licking.
To mention Dalits
Cats are often seen chewing on soft objects such as blankets or sheets. This is a natural feature of cats.
Geller says, "When the cat is young, this trick encourages the mother to release milk." Even as an adult, he instils a sense of security through this nature. He feels that he is safe in his mother's presence. A cat in peace, in love, does this. It is a language of intimacy."


Understand love by looking at the eyes?
"Another positive behaviour in cats is slow eye blinking," says Geller. A cat with open eyes and slow blinking is happy and mentally calm. But many people are afraid of a cat that looks directly without blinking.
straight tail
A cat's tail can also be a sign of its happiness, says Geller. For example, if a cat comes to you and holds its tail straight or if the end is slightly bent, you can assume that this is a sign of its love.
Attack and eat everything
Geller says a cat's excessive hunger or chasing after its owner for food can cause anxiety because such behaviour can indicate health-related problems such as hyperthyroidism or tapeworms. Owners should take proper action when such symptoms are observed.


Understand love by looking at the eyes?
"Another positive behaviour in cats is slow eye blinking," says Geller. A cat with open eyes and slow blinking is happy and mentally calm. But many people are afraid of a cat that looks directly without blinking.
Give the gift of the best life.
Galaxy advises owners to let the beloved cat know he is in his best life.
He said that cats would have been able to determine their territory and hunt independently if they lived outdoors. This is something pet cat owners should keep in mind. And only then will you understand the best ways to keep your cat as a parent. As his guardian, he should try his best to give him a taste of the freedom of outside life.



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