Early morning is the purest time in a day.
I hope all of my community friends are well and doing something great.The day starts with the rising of the sun.Morning is the purest and peaceful time in a day.In morning everything appears very fresh and comfortable to human.In city life ,it is very hard to witness the early morning and its flavour.
I used to bed late night and simply I get up late in the morning.But sometimes there change comes in my routine.I go to bed early and get up early morning.Then I can feel how the beatiful the world is!
Yesterday I went very early in the morning.I went to my terrace for walking.I saw many people alsp walking on their terrace.Actually the weather and atmosphere in early morning are so perfect for walking for every ages people.
Everyone should walk atleast 20 minutes in a day and 150 minutes in a week.Then He or she has less change in falling into any kind of disease like diabetic blood pressure stroke obesity etc.
Today I shares some photos of the morning scenery.The sun just rising.Whole locality is calm and air is cool and fresh.I was breathing air and felt better than other time of the day.
I noticed some workers in different scopes going for their working destinations.They return home very late and leave home very early for the work.They really read a struggling life.We all should follow their energy.
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Nikon D5600 | Madhyamgram | Life&Nature |
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Creativity and Hard working. Discord
Yeah, The sun rise time is the most beautiful time of a day. Have a nice day.
Wow you sun set picture was very beautiful
Nice pictures buddy
the picture is good, is it a sunset or sunrise picture?
I strongly agree with you that early morning is the purest last time of the day. I always try to get up early in the morning and go out from home for having exercise or jogging. But for last couple of days it was not possible for me due to busy schedule as I had to go to bed late to night. Hopefully from next week I will be able to go back to my routine and it is wonderful experience for me obviously to enjoy the beauty of the nature in the early morning. Purifies our heart. Thank you very much for sharing
It is true that everyone considers this moment as the purest and healthiest time. I also try to enjoy this time and refresh myself.
সবকিছু দেখেও না বুঝতে পারে আমি। যথেষ্ট নলেজের অভাব। তবে ফটোগ্রাফি গুলোর সুন্দর প্রশংসা করতে পারি। অসাধারণ ছিল ফটোগ্রাফি
Beautiful view, I like it.
Very good view, nice photo chief
@black that's a beautiful post. Great job.