Art of Nature: Spiral Vines
So I headed back to the mountainous village to search for some nature shots this afternoon. What fascinated me were the spiral vines tendril that naturally grow along the ditch side, looks like a vehicle spare part (per) and I thought that was a kind of nature art. I made a couple of shots from various angles to get a good result even I understood those are not as perfect as a pro. What I can offer you this time is some art of nature pictures that I recently took in the mountainous area, away from home. The complex cycles that truly invited me to go deeper with the shots. To get a real close look, I manage to take them with extreme macro so I could perceive the uniqueness of their natural forms that are quite easy to find around. All we need to do is to observe and take the pictures as good as possible, so it called the creativity of bringing something usual to be seen as unique subjects.
Camera | Smartphone |
Category | Macrophotography |
Lens | Lensbong Macro/Modified Macro lens |
Nature and its structures sometimes surprise and fascinate us, and your photographs bear witness to that.